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Activities of "moonch"

Thanks Ismail, I added my self to the Asp zero GitHub account.

Just a question, when do you think we could have your feedback on this issue, I see that you added this to v11.3 milestone.

We have only activated PayPal as our only payment method for now, If this is delayed this would affect our ability to sell to customers. so this is some what urgent for us. so we appreciate your response on this issue as soon as possible.

Thank you.

I would like to suggest the following fix.

In Purchase.cshtml Line: <input type="hidden" name="Amount" value="@Model.Amount.ToString("F1", new CultureInfo("en-US", false))"/>

Adding F1 forces one tenth decimal place which in my case is enough. I was getting 422 error because PayPal does not allow for more than two decimal places, for some reason althogh the server was sending two decimal places number, the client kept rendering with three decimal units. the above will force the client to hold for one decimal place which is compatable with PayPal policies.

Thank you, I can't open the link. is there another way to share it.

So I need to Just to change the following in the Default.cshtml

<a href="@(string.Format("{0}{1}?ss={2}&returnUrl={3}", Model.AdminWebSiteRootAddress, "account/login", "true", Model.WebSiteRootAddress + "Account/Login"))">@L("LogIn")</a>


<a href="@(string.Format("{0}{1}?ss={2}", Model.AdminWebSiteRootAddress, "account/login", "true")">@L("LogIn")</a>

Is this Correct?

Do i need to do anything in the Login view in the MVC web project!!!

Dear ismcagdas,

In the file I sent you there are two methods , One AddWithKendo and the Other IsAddWithoutKendo, Both methods fail to recieve the decimal values, it does not matter if the input is masked by kendo or not, the data fail to bind even when i use html <input type number> instead of kendo numeric html helper, Please see attached image.

One Note: the ZIP File Asp-zero_OlderVersion is actualy my project (.NET6) , Sorry this was renaming mistake, Please Try to un-zip this project Asp-zero_OlderVersion and debug it.

Thank you.

Dear Ismcagdas Any Update on this ticket.

Thank you.

Dear Ismcagdas I did not generate the form using Power Tools, I have created the form.

I sent you email titled: Ticket Number #11032

Please let me know if you have any issues accessing the files. Thanks

Dear Customer support, Tried to perform localization inside the application service method is not working, I tried injecting ILocalizationManager _localizationManager; and use it to localize some text before saving it to the database,

if using @L("someText") in controller it works , also same inside the .cshtml and javascript app.localize("sometext")

However in some case i need to perform localization inside the application service by using the localization manager,

var localizedText = _localizationManager.GetString(AbpZeroConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "sometext");

this does not localize . Please advice on how to perform localization inside App.Service or Application Project

The following Would get localization on the server side

_localizationManager.GetString(AbpZeroConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "StageChangedTo");

ok the issue was in a FileAppService not registering the ConfigrationFile, One Issue is Before injecting IConfigration to read from appsetting.json, I also tried injecting IConfigurationRoot this throws error, Can you please advise how to get appsetting.json values IN ASP NET ZERO , there is little to no documentation on the subject.

` private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;

    public ArchiroxApplicationModule(IConfiguration configuration)
        _configuration = configuration;
    public override void PreInitialize()
    public method()
        var key = _configuration.GetValue&lt;string&gt;("Azure:AccountName"); //Always NULL
        "AccessKey": "somestring2",
        "AccountName": "somestring2"
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