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Activities of "mpm"


<cite>hikalkan: </cite> No, that's all. Run the application, login and open settings page, you will see LDAP settings. It's completely integrated to the system. See TenantSettingsAppService to know how to get/set LDAP settings.

That worked perfectly, thank you.



I'm not certain I fully understand how to enable LDAP integration. I've Enabled LDAP in the CoreModule.cs as follows:

//Enable this line to create a multi-tenant application.
//Configuration.MultiTenancy.IsEnabled = true;

//Enable LDAP authentication (It can be enabled only if MultiTenancy is disabled!)

I'm not sure of the next steps? Do I need to drop in a LdapSettingProvider and LdapSettings class, then call Configuration.Settings.Providers.Add<LdapSettingProvider>?

Are changes needed in the AccountController to support LDAP.

Thanks for your assistance, MPM

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