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Activities of "mrp"

How can I show selected language in URL, Like :

I have change default route to {lan}/{controller}/ but it cause lots of problems.

Thanks in forward for your Help.

I want to send a GET request instead of POST request in the following code :

(function () {
    var controllerId = 'app.views.home';
    angular.module('app').controller(controllerId, [
        '$scope', '', function ($scope, ayaService) {
            var vm = this;

            vm.ayas = [];

            ayaService.getAyaTranslate({ type: "simple", transType: "fa.ghomshei", pageNum: 1, startAya: 0, endAya: 7 }).success(function (data) {
                vm.ayas = data;

But it send a POST request to my C# Service but I want it send a GET request to fulfill this signature :

Task<AyaTranslateOutPut> GetAyaTranslate(string type, string transType, int pageNum, int startAya, int endAya, string version = null);

I know this code will work but I want to send using services and not direct Ajax call like this :

                url: '/api/services/qoranic/aya/GetAyaTranslate',
                data: { type: "simple", transType: "fa.ghomshei", pageNum: 1, startAya: 0, endAya: 7 },
                method: "GET"
            }).done(function (data) {
                vm.ayas = data;

Thank you in forward for your answers.

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