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Activities of "murphymj5209"

this only works in the very specific case I gave you; I did not realize that it was a foreign key table relationship that was causing the problem;

You can close this problem but again I am not getting any emails on updates to this thread.

FYI, the latest power tools 3.2.3 does not fix my problem and I am sure it is related to this problem. I have shared my github solution with aspnetzero people.

Just letting you know that the power tools 3.2.3 does not fix my problem; it is still generating the wrong code for the angular solution.

You have access to my github, please try it without modifying the .json file, like you did when you made the myjson.

Just so you know I am still waiting on a fix for this problem; you made major modifications to the JSON file and I have many tables to regen. Obviously when the regen is done, then I have do your changes.

With my displeasure with this being handled, normally I would get very sarcastic, I will not go down that road, as it usually does not help to resolve my problem.

Again, please fix this as soon as possible and let me know when done. Seriously I cannot wait till this is done.

I did install the entity framework and I now have it working OK. I also did not realize that you modified the .json file, in some way, to make this work.

The solution I gave you was for a vey minor situation, I have multiple tables and really need the 3.2.2 updated so that all my tables will work.

Please fix as soon as possible. thanks.

though I am not aspnetzero support, your problem looks like mine in 'possible power tools problem #11351'. I have no idea when it will really be fixed. I suggest looking for the next version of Power tools > 3.2.2 to get a possible fix. The aspnetzero person tried to fix the issue with a custom template, but that did not work.

just letting you know that this did not work; plz look at the attached image.

plz fix poertools or the code which you have access to asap. thanks.


Please answer this problem asap; I have been having an issue with aspnetzero and renewing my subscripotion, which was recently resolved. thanks.

Last Note: I am not getting any notifications to my [email protected] account or the [email protected] accounts.

I have asked for this to be fixed but has not been completed.

I have given you access to my project: murphymj5209/MorthoTest. plz use it to figure out what is the problem. thanks.

The json file is in the ticket already. look for *** here is the .json file How do i insert the actual file?

My work is in the Dev branch.

FYI, 1) the above PowerTools, I feel worked about 3-4 months ago because I generated this entity 2) I tried the 11.4 version same error 'but' there was no error message in the npm start.

This error message did not happen with 11.4 No store type was specified for the decimal property 'ShoeSizeLengthInches' on entity type 'MorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformation'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision', or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion'. 3) I am starting the above from a new local install of aspnetzero 4) here is the generated error information from VS Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error TS2339 (TS) Property 'enumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilter' does not exist on type 'MorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationsesComponent'. C:\github\murphymj5209\Mortho-11-4\Mortho\angular\src\tsconfig.json C:\github\murphymj5209\Mortho-11-4\Mortho\angular\src\app\admin\nsMorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformation\morthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationses\morthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationses.component.ts 156 Active 5) here is the generated code import {AppConsts} from '@shared/AppConsts'; import { Component, Injector, ViewEncapsulation, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute , Router} from '@angular/router'; import { MorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationsesServiceProxy, MorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationsDto } from '@shared/service-proxies/service-proxies'; import { NotifyService } from 'abp-ng2-module'; import { AppComponentBase } from '@shared/common/app-component-base'; import { TokenAuthServiceProxy } from '@shared/service-proxies/service-proxies'; import { CreateOrEditMorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationsModalComponent } from './create-or-edit-morthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformations-modal.component';

import { ViewMorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationsModalComponent } from './view-morthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformations-modal.component'; import { appModuleAnimation } from '@shared/animations/routerTransition'; import { Table } from 'primeng/table'; import { Paginator } from 'primeng/paginator'; import { LazyLoadEvent } from 'primeng/api'; import { FileDownloadService } from '@shared/utils/file-download.service'; import { filter as _filter } from 'lodash-es'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon';

         import { DateTimeService } from '@app/shared/common/timing/date-time.service';

@Component({ templateUrl: './morthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationses.component.html', encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None, animations: [appModuleAnimation()] }) export class MorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationsesComponent extends AppComponentBase {

@ViewChild('createOrEditMorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationsModal', { static: true }) createOrEditMorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationsModal: CreateOrEditMorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationsModalComponent;
@ViewChild('viewMorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationsModalComponent', { static: true }) viewMorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationsModal: ViewMorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationsModalComponent;   

@ViewChild('dataTable', { static: true }) dataTable: Table;
@ViewChild('paginator', { static: true }) paginator: Paginator;

advancedFiltersAreShown = false;
filterText = '';
shoeSizeCountrySexSizeFilter = '';
maxenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilter : number;
	maxenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilterEmpty : number;
	minenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilter : number;
	minenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilterEmpty : number;
shoeSizeValueFilter = '';
maxShoeSizeLengthInchesFilter : number;
	maxShoeSizeLengthInchesFilterEmpty : number;
	minShoeSizeLengthInchesFilter : number;
	minShoeSizeLengthInchesFilterEmpty : number;
maxShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilter : number;
	maxShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilterEmpty : number;
	minShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilter : number;
	minShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilterEmpty : number;
shoeSizeDefaultFilter = -1;
shoeSizeCountryFilter = '';

    injector: Injector,
    private _morthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationsesServiceProxy: MorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationsesServiceProxy,
    private _notifyService: NotifyService,
    private _tokenAuth: TokenAuthServiceProxy,
    private _activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute,
    private _fileDownloadService: FileDownloadService,
         private _dateTimeService: DateTimeService
) {

getMorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationses(event?: LazyLoadEvent) {
    if (this.primengTableHelper.shouldResetPaging(event)) {
        if (this.primengTableHelper.records &&
            this.primengTableHelper.records.length > 0) {


        this.maxenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilter == null ? this.maxenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilterEmpty: this.maxenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilter,
        this.minenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilter == null ? this.minenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilterEmpty: this.minenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilter,
        this.maxShoeSizeLengthInchesFilter == null ? this.maxShoeSizeLengthInchesFilterEmpty: this.maxShoeSizeLengthInchesFilter,
        this.minShoeSizeLengthInchesFilter == null ? this.minShoeSizeLengthInchesFilterEmpty: this.minShoeSizeLengthInchesFilter,
        this.maxShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilter == null ? this.maxShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilterEmpty: this.maxShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilter,
        this.minShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilter == null ? this.minShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilterEmpty: this.minShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilter,
        this.primengTableHelper.getSkipCount(this.paginator, event),
        this.primengTableHelper.getMaxResultCount(this.paginator, event)
    ).subscribe(result => {
        this.primengTableHelper.totalRecordsCount = result.totalCount;
        this.primengTableHelper.records = result.items;

reloadPage(): void {

createMorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformations(): void {;        

deleteMorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformations(morthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformations: MorthoAzureLocalShoeSizeInformationsDto): void {
        (isConfirmed) => {
            if (isConfirmed) {
                    .subscribe(() => {

exportToExcel(): void {
        this.maxenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilter == null ? this.maxenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilterEmpty: this.maxenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilter,
        this.minenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilter == null ? this.minenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilterEmpty: this.minenumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilter,
        this.maxShoeSizeLengthInchesFilter == null ? this.maxShoeSizeLengthInchesFilterEmpty: this.maxShoeSizeLengthInchesFilter,
        this.minShoeSizeLengthInchesFilter == null ? this.minShoeSizeLengthInchesFilterEmpty: this.minShoeSizeLengthInchesFilter,
        this.maxShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilter == null ? this.maxShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilterEmpty: this.maxShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilter,
        this.minShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilter == null ? this.minShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilterEmpty: this.minShoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilter,
    .subscribe(result => {

resetFilters(): void {
    this.filterText = '';
        this.shoeSizeCountrySexSizeFilter = '';
this.enumShoeSizeGenderTypeFilter = '';
this.shoeSizeValueFilter = '';
this.shoeSizeLengthInchesFilter = '';
this.shoeSizeLengthCentimetersFilter = '';
this.shoeSizeDefaultFilter = '';
this.shoeSizeCountryFilter = '';



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