Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "musa.demir"

After following all the steps in this link and create dist files. You should update files in wwwroot/metronic folder which is changed. Then check metronic change log . They may change same class names and hierarchy. Check changes. Then change all necessary parts in your cshtml files.

If you want to delay between each request you can call second request in first request's subscriber. Thus, all requests run sequentially and with a delay of 10sec between them.

          .subscribe((response) => {
           //your logic

This usage should work. Are you sure your logic in the subscriber method works correctly? Can you please check it?

You may also try that way.

 timer(10000).pipe(switchMap(() => this._ncDocumentService.createDefaultDocument(input)))
            .subscribe(x => {
                //your logic

By the way using internal imports may increse your bundle size. You can import 'of' like:

import { of } from 'rxjs';

is "this" what you need ?

use [(ngModel)] and get select event with (onSelect)="selectMenuItem($event)"

dateRangePickerMomentModifier directive guarantees that the days you get from datarangepciker will be the moment object.

You can use datetimepicker as seen below.

And to get value you can use:

If you dont create xml file and add your translations in runtime it will use database. There should be no mistakes. I follow your error steps and I could not reproduce that error.

On which page did you get this error ?

As i know its not implemented. You can override IConnectionStringResolver. See:

You can also create an issue on github.

Looks similar with: It was fixed in 4.8.0

Can you please change your ~~table~~ tables as seen that link below. Then try if you have received the same error.

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