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Activities of "namaro"

var task = Task.Run(async () => await SendEmail(solicitud, tipoDeLaSolicitud));

I want to send an email in the background so that the user doesn't need to wait for the email to be sent.

In order to achieve this I have run a Task.Run() for the process runs in the background and not in the same thread. When SendEmailSolicitanteAsync calls GetUserDomainByUserName and finishes is jumping to MultiDbContextConnectionStringResolver.GetNameOrConnectionString method causing an object null reference exception and crashing the program. I don't understand why is jumping to that context because I'm not doing interacting with the database.

Please help and thank you before hand.

private async Task SendEmail(Solicitud solicitud, TipoSolicitud tipoDeLaSolicitud)
    Logger.Info("Evento crear una solicitud fue ejecutado.");

    await _solicitudEmailer.SendEmailSolicitanteAsync(solicitud.EmailSolicitante,
        solicitud.Aprobadores.Split(","), true);

public async Task SendEmailSolicitanteAsync(string to, string tipoSolicitud, string codigoSolicitud, string[] aprobadores, bool appendLinkUrl)
    var tasks = aprobadores.Select(aprobador => _userDomainAppService.GetUserDomainByUserName(aprobador));
    var listAprobadores = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
    // more code but it is not necessary for me to put it

public async Task<UsersDomain> GetUserDomainByUserName(string userName)
    UsersDomain userDomain = null;
    var response = await _clientHttp.GetAsync(_urlGetUser + userName);

    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
        userDomain = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<UsersDomain>();

    return userDomain;

public class MultiDbContextConnectionStringResolver : DefaultConnectionStringResolver
    private readonly IAbpStartupConfiguration _configuration;
    public MultiDbContextConnectionStringResolver(IAbpStartupConfiguration configuration)
        : base(configuration)
        _configuration = configuration;

    public override string GetNameOrConnectionString(ConnectionStringResolveArgs args)
        if (args["DbContextConcreteType"] as Type == typeof(SICIDbContext))
            // var configuration = AppConfigurations.Get(WebContentDirectoryFinder.CalculateContentRootFolder());
            return (string)_configuration.Get(TestConsts.ConnextionStringNameSici);
            // configuration.GetConnectionString(TestConsts.ConnextionStringNameSici);

        return base.GetNameOrConnectionString(args);

We have choose ASPNETZERO as our application development framework. We want to have one modular front-end (Angular JS) as a back office, and multiples back-end (webapi) to interacting with the different modules. We want to centralize the security using IdentityServer, it will act as the controller. ASPNETZERO security will serve as role/permission handler. We have Windows Authentication for internal users, UserName/Password for external users and WebApi.

Have you guys done something like this? There is a way in ASPNETZERO to accomplish this?

Thanks @alper, I fixed the internet connection, now i see my api from my emulator browser, but I have another problem with the CrossConnectivity plugging, the property IsConnected is always false


I have created project with the name "Test" and it appears in the download's list. I want to know if this count as project. I will like to see what is my current project count ? Thanks in advance

I've been guided by the documentation, but in the same way the application launches the following: "Without an Internet connection, do you want to enable Internet and try again?"

I change the IP address as the documentation tells me, but the application starts in the same way. I'm a junion in xamarin form programmer and I need help with this, thanks

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