Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "naurinrr"

I am using the latest version v5.6.2, .NET Framework 4.6.1 and ASP.NET CORE MVC & JQuery and downloaded a test project to get started. The change tenant modal is not working, I get the following JS errors,

GetScripts?v=636695095616445017:1150 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'unspecifiedClockProvider' of undefined
    at GetScripts?v=636695095616445017:1150
    at GetScripts?v=636695095616445017:1152
(anonymous) @ GetScripts?v=636695095616445017:1150
(anonymous) @ GetScripts?v=636695095616445017:1152
common-scripts.js?v=tnZOeg8oRZJYokqP9CKTbKVe8ysLMqiei1dworSquno:119 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
    at common-scripts.js?v=tnZOeg8oRZJYokqP9CKTbKVe8ysLMqiei1dworSquno:119
(anonymous) @ common-scripts.js?v=tnZOeg8oRZJYokqP9CKTbKVe8ysLMqiei1dworSquno:119
Default.js:3 Uncaught TypeError: app.ModalManager is not a constructor
    at Default.js:3
    at Default.js:15
(anonymous) @ Default.js:3
(anonymous) @ Default.js:15
Login:180 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
    at Login:180
(anonymous) @ Login:180
3index.html:11 GET 0 ()

I have not changed anything except database connection string. I am wondering if anyone came across the same issue before I start debugging in detail.

Thanks so much! I feel like an idiot of course.

Not related to Tenant Modal but still front end issue so asking here, the metronic styles are not loading for selecting an edition. It gives failed to load resource error. I have checked that the styles are present under the path it is looking so I am not sure what is happening.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//metronic/dist/html/default/assets/demo/default/base/style.bundle.css?v=I6VCJPzgx8kEu1QQkEPCpevlxGZKqy9bnzUxzUu6apg&amp;v=I6VCJPzgx8kEu1QQkEPCpevlxGZKqy9bnzUxzUu6apg" />

You can view the image here,


You can see the screehshot here [!AipZ--KcXtD_smU7xwpjUg3l3qV0])

It is getting response "failed" because it is going to a web address. Why is not looking under localhost? The metronic styles are loading correctly for other pages like dashboard and such so what is different about this one?

<a class="postlink" href="http://metronic/dist/html/default/assets/demo/default/base/style.bundle.css?v=I6VCJPzgx8kEu1QQkEPCpevlxGZKqy9bnzUxzUu6apg&v=I6VCJPzgx8kEu1QQkEPCpevlxGZKqy9bnzUxzUu6apg">http://metronic/dist/html/default/asset ... zUxzUu6apg</a>

Thanks for the hint! I am just posting the solution here in case anyone needs it. It is the style sheet reference in _Layout.cshtml under TenantRegistration that is the problem.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="@ApplicationPath/metronic/dist/html/@theme/assets/demo/@theme/base/style.bundle@(CultureHelper.IsRtl ? ".rtl":"").css" asp-append-version="true" />

I fixed it by trimming the slash at the end of


The final code looks like below,

<link rel="stylesheet" href="@ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/')/metronic/dist/html/@theme/assets/demo/@theme/base/style.bundle@(CultureHelper.IsRtl ? ".rtl":"").css" asp-append-version="true" />


I am getting an internal error when publishing my application to Azure. You can find the log file here,


I don't understand why it is trying to insert null into the table.

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!

Hmm what is the recommended way to create the database in cloud? I created a db and then imported data from a local db which was created by the Migrator project.

I was able to use dotnet ef migrations script --idempotent --output "script.sql" to generate a script to run on my database. The problem now is that several of the jquery libraries are not working after publishing!!

See errors [!ArBRDfNptp88hh51SqbXzkua_Zte])

The link to the live site is <a class="postlink" href="">https://progentestwebmvc20180824015653. ...</a>

You can login to default tenancy using username admin and default password: 123qwe. I have not changed that yet.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks for your reply. I checked the output from npm run create-bundles and it choked while minifying the app-layout-libs,

Processing wwwroot/view-resources/Areas/Petra/Views/_Bundles/app-layout-libs.js
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

However the app-layout-libs.js is available under the path on azure server even if not minified. Its the same locally so I don't understand why it works locally but does not work after publishing.

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