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Activities of "naurinrr"

We are aiming to upgrade our jQuery UI to version 13.1 due to security concerns arising from known vulnerabilities in the previous version. However, we've encountered an obstacle: even with the latest version of blueimp-file-upload (10.32.0), it bundles an older version (1.12) of jQuery Widget. Consequently, this forces our package manager to install an outdated version of jQuery UI. Upon inspecting the source code for blueimp-file-upload, we've found that it's no longer supported. Unfortunately, without this package, the import functionality on the index pages ceases to work. Additionally, I've examined the code for ASP.NET ZERO 13, and it's still reliant on blueimp-file-upload. Could you please advise on the appropriate course of action to resolve this issue?

Nevermind, I fixed it. Thanks

The link to the issue returns page not found. How can I request Scope (API permissions) when logging in using external microsoft login?

How come I can't make graph api calls even after logging in using MS account? Can you please help as it is causing me major headache when trying to integrate with office 365. Thank you in advance.

I found that if I enable saveTokens option then I get the token in ExternalLoginCallback method in ExternalLoginInfo but login manager does not add it to the loginResult.Identity or loginResult.User even though the user has a token property. Anyway to fix it?


I am using ASP NET .CORE MVC and Javascript version and have implemented using the following app settings;

"Microsoft": {
      "IsEnabled": "true",
      "ConsumerKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "ConsumerSecret": "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"

I can login successfully but I can't get the token. I am using React componnent in MVC html pages.

Thank you

Hi everyone,

I have enabled ms login succesfully but I need to get a token that can be passed to graph api and other react components I am using. Unfortunately there is no work around at the moment to providing the token and I have not been able to get the token. ExternalLoginInfo just has the isAuthenticated property.

Thanks in advance.


Modal manager is not populating the class or id for CreateOrEditModal generated by ASPNET RAD tool. I have to set parent of a select2 to the modal but unable to use class or id as the id is random generated value. I tried passing the id in Index.js which contains the button to load the create or edit modal but still does not work.

Please help!!


We have some existing third party functionality written in MVC + React and some projects targeting .net core 2.1 which we want to include in our aspnetzero project.

  • Can we merge the same or do you foresee any challenges?
  • Which AspNetZero template would you recommend for the above scenario?
  • Do we have enough support available if we run down any technical challenge while doing the same?

The layout has,

    @if (isChatEnabled)


@if (isChatEnabled)
        <script src="@(ApplicationPath)view-resources/Areas/Petra/Views/Layout/_ChatBar.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>
        <script src="@(ApplicationPath)Common/Scripts/Chat/chat.signalr.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>

Now I am rendering the chat partial from my own view so included the scripts in that view in a Scripts section at the bottom.


I am implementing contextual chat where users can chat about a particular record instead of system wide chat. Please see attached for design layout.

I don't get any errors but the scripts are not working either. I understand this might be more of a jquery question than the framework but I am stuck so thought will check here. The layout already has all the scripts needed for chat loaded. The renderbody in layout will render my ViewModal page which has,

<div class="tab-pane" id="m_tabs_2_1" role="tabpanel">

Any help will be appreciated.


Showing 1 to 10 of 26 entries