Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "naurinrr"

Nevermind, I fixed it. Thanks

The link to the issue returns page not found. How can I request Scope (API permissions) when logging in using external microsoft login?

How come I can't make graph api calls even after logging in using MS account? Can you please help as it is causing me major headache when trying to integrate with office 365. Thank you in advance.

I found that if I enable saveTokens option then I get the token in ExternalLoginCallback method in ExternalLoginInfo but login manager does not add it to the loginResult.Identity or loginResult.User even though the user has a token property. Anyway to fix it?


I am using ASP NET .CORE MVC and Javascript version and have implemented using the following app settings;

"Microsoft": {
      "IsEnabled": "true",
      "ConsumerKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "ConsumerSecret": "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"

I can login successfully but I can't get the token. I am using React componnent in MVC html pages.

Thank you

The layout has,

    @if (isChatEnabled)


@if (isChatEnabled)
        <script src="@(ApplicationPath)view-resources/Areas/Petra/Views/Layout/_ChatBar.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>
        <script src="@(ApplicationPath)Common/Scripts/Chat/chat.signalr.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>

Now I am rendering the chat partial from my own view so included the scripts in that view in a Scripts section at the bottom.

Hi there,

Any documentation or examples for creating entities with many to many or one to many relationships? Would I put a navigation properties for that? Please explain using Student and Course example which has many to many relationship. How do I specify complex type attributes other than Enums E.g.

public class Contact
    public CorrespondencePreference Correspondence { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<EmailAddress> Emails => this._emails;

    public virtual Category Category { get; set; }

    public ContactJob Job { get; set; }

where ContactJob, Category and EmailAddress are complex types.

Hi I am still getting this issue in MVC + jQuery latest project and I downloaded the RAD tool today as well from here,


what do you suggest I do?

Oops! All done!

Thanks so much! that was exactly the problem. I am now having issues with SignalR.


I found a few hacks but not sure which one to use. Any idea how to get around this?

Thanks for your reply. I checked the output from npm run create-bundles and it choked while minifying the app-layout-libs,

Processing wwwroot/view-resources/Areas/Petra/Views/_Bundles/app-layout-libs.js
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

However the app-layout-libs.js is available under the path on azure server even if not minified. Its the same locally so I don't understand why it works locally but does not work after publishing.

Showing 1 to 10 of 17 entries