Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "nicolas33"

I guess it suits your needs more than the Sliding type. Remember that the cache will expire the entry after the amount of time you setted, even if no access happend.


Isn't the definition of a "sliding cache" is that it doesn't recalculate data until it hasn't been accessed for the "slidingTimeExpiration" ?

If it's set to 30s and you're accessing it every 10s, it will never recalculate data.

Thank you for your answer Hikalkan.

  1. Honestly, I don't know how to do this, I don't fully understand how works all this injection principle with Castle Windsor. Could you point me to an example code of this ?

  2. What I try to acheive with HangFire is to use a background job instead of a windows service. Is it such a bad idea ? I need something which runs every x minutes, update some data in the database, then get data from it, and finally insert some data in. When you're talking about using a domain service where the logic would be, are you talking about the "Core" domain of the template ? You're meaning that my background job should "talk" directly to the "Core" instead of the application service ?

I found a way, in the RecurrentJobs.cs file, using the "Object.UnitOfWorkManager" of my appService.


        public void LaunchJobsRecurrentFiveMinutes()
                using (var messageService = _iocResolver.ResolveAsDisposable<MessageAppService>())
                    var source = LocalizationHelper.Manager.GetSource("MyProject");

                    using (var unitOfWork = messageService.Object.UnitOfWorkManager.Begin())
                        foreach (var concoursId in retourMajQualif.ListeIdConcoursQualifMaj)
                            new AjouterMessageInput
                                ConcoursId = concoursId,
                                Contenu = source.GetString("finQualifications")




I hope it's not bad coding, and if it's not, that it could help someone else !


Hi all...

I have some issues using Hangfire when I need to access Database. I've read here that I maybe shouldn't use HangFire to call Application Service but I don't see how I could do what I want to do another way.

Actually I have in my Startup.cs from my Web project :



RecurrentJobs recurrentJobs = new RecurrentJobs(IocManager.Instance);
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(() => recurrentJobs.LaunchJobsRecurrentFiveMinutes(), "0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * *");


In the RecurrentJobs.cs file, I have this call, which try to call a method in the ApplicationService ("AjouterMessageSysteme") :


        public void LaunchJobsRecurrentFiveMinutes()
                using (var messageService = _iocResolver.ResolveAsDisposable<MessageAppService>())
                    var source = LocalizationHelper.Manager.GetSource("MyProject");

                    foreach (var concoursId in retourMajQualif.ListeIdConcoursQualifMaj)
                        new AjouterMessageInput
                            ConcoursId = concoursId,
                            Contenu = source.GetString("finQualifications")



In the MessageAppService.cs I have this code :


        public AjouterMessageOutput AjouterMessageSysteme(AjouterMessageInput input)
            var concours = _concoursRepository.GetAllWithParticipants().Where(c => c.Id == input.ConcoursId).FirstOrDefault();

            foreach (var part in concours.ListeParticipants)
                _messageRepository.Insert(new Message
                    ConcoursId = input.ConcoursId,
                    Contenu = input.Contenu,
                    DestinataireId = part.UserId,
                    EnvoyeurId = 0

            return new AjouterMessageOutput();


The issue is when I call the method " _concoursRepository.GetAllWithParticipants()", which call a GetAll() with some includes. The object "concours " is always disposed before it can be used. I guess it's because the whole process isn't a "Unit Of Work", but I don't know how I can declare it beside the annotation on method in the class "RecurrentJobs". I succesfully could call a procedure from database, but I can't get data. Of course, if the method of the application service is called from a controller, it works perfectly.

Is there a way I can do this, or ABP/HangFire isn't designed to work like this ?

I apologize for my approximative english, thanx in advance for any help.

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