Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "nikko1337"


Hmm It might be interesting to keep stuff around if we think about converting to multi-tenancy later, thanks for pointing that!

About the seed data, and other DB stuff, should I change any code to always be related to tenant 1 (default)? For example the languages. Or should I keep tenant id null?


I would like to know what can be/should be removed/changed in the application when working in a single tenant app, if I should remove anything at all.

For example, I see we have EditionManager, TenantManager. Seed data also has stuff for host/tenant (languages and settings for host).

The reason I am asking is that I don't want to keep anything that I won't ever be using inside the application/database. This can raise questions later on like: Why do we have this thing here? Can we remove? Will it break anything?

Can you clarify on this subject please?



Thank you!


Hello Guys!

I've been reading about ASP.NET Boilerplate in the past few weeks and it's an amazing framework but I fail to understand how to use SettingsManager for Users. I mean how do I decide if I should put something from Users table in the settings manager? To make it more clear if you look at the example in the documentation we have "SiteColorPreference". How do I know or what makes you decide if it goes on Users table or SettingsManager?

Thank you.

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