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Activities of "novacon"

Hi @ismcagdas

I checked and it's already disabled.

Do you have any idea? What can we do?


ASP.Net Core & Angular in a project with Version="10.1.0" and .Net version is ".Net 5.0".

We specially appear that exception when we run project in debug mode but when we start without debugging mode everything is okey. We don't get this error in latest version. How can we fix that problem?

Hi there,

Recently I've change Db from MsSQL to MySQL. I followed the instructions for integrating to mysql databse; such as:

  • Changed builder.UseMySql(connectionString) in DbContextConfigurer, Configure Method.
  • Deleted all migration classes and snapshot from EntityFrameworkCore project and recreated them from scratch.

When I Update-Database, database is creating successfully but without data inside. I tried to debug with Debugger.Launch() but SeedHelper.SeedHostDb(IIocResolver iocResolver) method isn't being called.

Then I switched back to MsSQL version and got the same problem.

I'de be glad if you help with this problem, thanks.

product version : 9.3.0 product type: angular product framework type: .net core

Yes I've changed the abp.js also.

I sent app's url to [email protected]


I changed the TenantResolveKey and replace all Abp.TenantId with Abp-TenantId as you suggested, but no success. Here are the error logs for the error.

Mvc.ExceptionHandling.AbpExceptionFilter - Current tenant is different than given tenant. AbpSession.TenantId: , given tenantId: 2 System.Exception: Current tenant is different than given tenant. AbpSession.TenantId: , given tenantId: 2 at Fiorent.Authorization.Impersonation.ImpersonationManager.CheckCurrentTenant(Nullable`1 tenantId) in /var/www/fiorent-app/aspnet-core/src/Fiorent.Core/Authorization/Impersonation/ImpersonationManager.cs:line 115 at Fiorent.Authorization.Impersonation.ImpersonationManager.GetImpersonatedUserAndIdentity(String impersonationToken) in /var/www/fiorent-app/aspnet-core/src/Fiorent.Core/Authorization/Impersonation/ImpersonationManager.cs:line 45 at Fiorent.Web.Controllers.TokenAuthController.ImpersonatedAuthenticate(String impersonationToken) in /var/www/fiorent-app/aspnet-core/src/Fiorent.Web.Core/Controllers/TokenAuthController.cs:line 347 at lambda_method(Closure , Object )

Hi there,

We have a tenant login problem on production server. In login page when I try to switch tenant and enter a name, page is refreshing with no errors and tenant is not chosen. Also in admin page, in customers section, when I click "Login as this tenant", page refreshes and gives javascript alert "InternalServerError" on /api/TokenAuth/ImpersonatedAuthenticate?impersonationToken=2d09bbf4-09d1-45e3-bda5-4292ee677dc7&d=1618502794115. There is no problem in development - local environment so I cannot debug and solve the error, but when we deploy the project on server, which is ubuntu 18.04, we're encountering this problem.

product version : 9.3.0
product type: angular
product framework type: .net core
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