Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "obou"

Dear all,

We are already trying to authenticate our users by using Microsoft authentication, a really common scenario for those using the .NET platform.

Please, could you implement / provide support for the "happy case" scenario (enabling Microsoft auth, instead of using OpenId against an Azure AD) ?

Thanks in advance,


Many thanks for pointing to it!

Really interesting.

Despite doing several commits on develop and feature branches (develop derived from master, features from develop), will create a "framework-master" branch from the initial commit on the master branch (that directly contained the downloaded source code) and will try to apply the technique described at with the next version.

Think it will not be needed to re-create the whole repository and apply all changes again.

Let's see how it works.

Thanks again !!!

Dear all,

We've just licensed ASP.NET ZERO. So we currently have our local copy, with classes, etc. named acoording to the project name specified, etc.

Dear ASP.NET Zero team: Is there a recommended way to keep our "local" project up-to-date with new releases of ASP.NET Zero?

Dear community: Any best practices you are implementing that could help other community members on keeping updated?

As of today there are 115 commits on "develop" from v7.1 and more expected. We will need to replace "MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate" with own's project name, etc. before synching, etc. but perhaps must consider other things (still missing knowledge about the codebase).

Perhaps any script available to ease those steps?

Have not found any docs about suggested/expected developer's workflow.

Thanks a lot in advance,


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