Hi, I need to place a couple of third party javascript libraries (depending on jquery / angularjs) into the SPA template. Which would be the recommended place to put them? Some of them are only needed in a limited amount of subpages, but putting them in the view directly seems to interfere with other components, not sure. So my questions are:
Thanks for any help.
I entered the smtp server configuration details in the host section , but it seems not to work. When I register a new user, the registration email is not going to be sent. The smtp server on another machine does not need any credientials, messages only have to be sent from an accepted ip adress and the 'send from' field must end with a given domain name. In asp.net zero I can either configure it to accept standard credentials (windows) or enter credentilas (user / password / domain). Any other way to configure the smtp server? When sending test emails within a console application , all works fine. Any other configuration that needs to be done?
Thanks for your kind help.
I started implementing the navigation structure, but I am still having problems getting it right. I extracted a small example of the expected structure and would like to ask, how the angular state provider has to be properly configured:
<ins>expected menu structure (abstract):</ins>
public static class PageNames {
public static class App {
public static class Tenant {
public const string Dashboard = "Dashboard.Tenant";
public const string Application = "Application";
public const string Section1 = "Application.Section1";
public const string Section2 = "Application.Section2";
public const string Section3 = "Application.Section3";
public const string SubSection31 = "Application.Section3.SubSection31";
public const string SubSection32 = "Application.Section3.SubSection32";
.AddItem(new MenuItemDefinition (PageNames.App.Tenant.Dashboard, url:"tenant.dashboard"))
.AddItem(new MenuItemDefinition (PageNames.App.Tenant.Application, url:"tenant.application")
.AddItem(new MenuItemDefinition (PageNames.App.Tenant.Section1, url:"tenant.application.section1"))
.AddItem(new MenuItemDefinition (PageNames.App.Tenant.Section2, url:"tenant.application.section2"))
.AddItem(new MenuItemDefinition (PageNames.App.Tenant.Section3, url:"tenant.application.section3")
.AddItem(new MenuItemDefinition (PageNames.App.Tenant.SubSection31, url:"tenant.application.section3.subsection31]"))
.AddItem(new MenuItemDefinition (PageNames.App.Tenant.SubSection32, url:"tenant.application.section3.subsection32"))
<ins>web application project structure:</ins>
'§stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider',
function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('tenant.dashboard', {
url: '/dashboard',
templateUrl: '~/App/tenant/views/dashboard/index.cshtml',
menu: 'Dashboard'
$stateProvider.state('tenant.application.section1', { url: '/dashboard', <span style="color:#FF0000">?????? should it be /application.section1 ??</span> templateUrl: '~/App/tenant/views/module1/module1.section1.html', menu: 'Dashboard' <span style="color:#FF0000">??????? name from PageName? Full path or only menu item name??? </span> });
<span style="color:#FF0000">rest??</span>
I am a bit confused ;-)
Thanks a lot.
Hi, where exactely can I find the metronic theme including all the sample pages and the documentation? Would you please be so kind to give me a hint which project / directory / path contains the requested assets.
Thank you.