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Activities of "ojukwu24"

<cite>hikalkan: </cite> Hi again,

No, it's not bad to mix custom MVC controllers with dynamic web api layer. They are different responsibilities. But, maybe we can make it easier with ABP. Currently, I use such a code:

Used angular module: <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

Example controller action:

public void ChangeProfilePicture()
   if (Request.Files.Count <= 0 || Request.Files[0] == null)
       throw new Exception("...");
   var file = Request.Files[0];

   //change the picture..

Angular side controller:

(function () {
   appModule.controller('common.views.profile.changePicture', [
       '$scope', 'appSession', '$modalInstance', 'FileUploader',
       function ($scope, appSession, $modalInstance, fileUploader) {
           var vm = this;

           vm.uploader = new fileUploader({
               url: abp.appPath + 'Profile/ChangeProfilePicture',
               queueLimit: 1,
               filters: [{
                   name: 'imageFilter',
                   fn: function (item, options) {
                       //File type check
                       var type = '|' + item.type.slice(item.type.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + '|';
                       if ('|jpg|jpeg|'.indexOf(type) === -1) {
                           return false;

                       //File size check
                       if (item.size > 30720) //30KB
                           return false;

                       return true;

  = function () {

           vm.cancel = function () {

           vm.uploader.onSuccessItem = function (fileItem, response, status, headers) {

Angular view related part

<input type="file" nv-file-select uploader="vm.uploader" />

I have tried using this same method to upload a video, but it doesn't get to the Controller.

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