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Activities of "optixdev"

Angular 8 + .Net Core (Asp ZERO v8.7)

I am using default HTML editor from demo-ui-component page, having problem with storing image base64 string into database.

I can store simple short text, but long text like image base64 throws error... my database datatype is NVARCHAR (MAX)

Angular 8 + .Net Core (ASPZero Version 8.7)

How to add required field validation

  • Adding required feild validator cusotm code for specific TextBox, CheckBox and Dropdownlist.
  • Adding required feild validator using Power tools.

.Net core + Angular version 8.7

How to add "time" selection to default date picker calendar to the below autogenerated input?

<input class="form-control m-input" 
type="datetime" bsDatepicker 
id="Abp_startTime" name="AbpCommsXObservation_startTime">

We are using .NET Core + Angular:

  • How to create new user roles?
  • How to manage the users roles?
  • How to assign permission to the roles to access specific pages?
  • How to assign permission of roles specific &lt;div> tags to show or hide certain tables and values?

Can you please provide us the code?


I am removing some css classes from few css files such as "metronic\themes\theme8\css\style.bundle.min.css" to fit my design requirements.

But when I publish the code or restart my computer the 'removed css class' are appering again, all the design changes I made are rollback to the default theme and I am loosing all custom design changes which I did.

How can I solve this issue?

Angular + .Net Core (Version 8.3)

Application not loading on Internet Explorer 11 (Working fine on Chrome, Mozilla, Edge)

Hi (Angular + .Net Core)

I have company website on and

I want to host all of ASP.NET Zero on sbdomain:

  • (For the .Net Core App)
  • (For the Admin)
  • (For Tenant 1)
  • (For Tenant 2)

These are my current configuration which is not working. Also when i am on the images are not displaying as its taking main webiste URL where my images and css are not hosted.

File: Web.Host\appsettings.Staging.json "App": { "ServerRootAddress": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}", "ClientRootAddress": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}", "CorsOrigins": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}" }

File: Angular "remoteServiceBaseUrl": "", "appBaseUrl": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}", "localeMappings": {

** Also, how to differentiate between Host and the Tenant?**


I am using Theme 8 and I did lots of custom changes in "assets/metronic/themes/theme8/css/style.bundle.min.css" file, but when I close the project I am loosing the all the changes made to this file as its getting rollback to the default version of theme style.

I am using Visual Studio Code for the running the Angular project.

Angular + .Net Core - Glitch on Scrolling

I am not able to scroll down to the bottom of the webpage as there is a glitch .. my screen gets flickering

Angular + .Net Core

Is it possible to perform CRUD operations without power tools?

I tried to create controller with EF in Host project but controller is showing is swagger but its not working!

Showing 1 to 10 of 25 entries