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Activities of "oscargonzalezmoreno"

Hello, has someone integrated ASPNetZero with an ELK system (ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana bundle) or equivalent?

I want to duplicate audit data to an ElasticSearch (or similar) external system.


Hello, I'm not using Setting Definition, I'm just pre-inserting the data in the database. Maybe it's the problem, but as I said, I don't understand how I can get the Setting value with the second method...

Hello, I'm trying to obtain a Setting inside a xUnit Test.

Via GetSettingValueForTenant, the system says that no Setting for this "name" exist. Buy If I get an GetAllSettingValuesForTenant, I can see the value... There is a snippet:

string name = "Project.bd22b07c-a0f1-4cd5-b759-a054ba60673b.SdFileWriterChannel.FileRepo";

// HERE I GOT AN ERROR var test = _settingManager.GetSettingValueForTenant(name, tenantId.GetValueOrDefault());

// BUT NOT HERE... IReadOnlyList<ISettingValue> settings = _settingManager.GetAllSettingValuesForTenant (tenantId.GetValueOrDefault()); foreach (var item in settings) { if(item.Name.Equals(name)) { return item.Value; } }

Am I missing something?

Kind regards, Oscar

Hello, I'm starting with ASP.NET Zero. I'm developing a Restful service, and I don't see how I can return a simple 404 with a simple JSON. I have the following code, and when I execute it with Swagger, the return JSON is OK, but I got an HTTP 500 error code. All I want is a 404 error code.

Kind regards, Oscar

[HttpGet] [Route ("api/services/v1/boschema/{uuid}")] public async Task<SdBoSchemaDto> Get (string uuid) { SdBoSchema entity; try { entity = _sdBoSchemaRepository.GetAll ().First (e => e.UUID == uuid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UserFriendlyException (404, "Item Not Found"); }

        return ObjectMapper.Map&lt;SdBoSchemaDto&gt; (entity);
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