Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "p.j.keukens"

That was what I was looking for, thanks!

That worked! Thanks

No for example I have a view with a datatable on there, in je javascript file I call the app service like so:

var _carService =;

var dataTable = _$opticianInsurancesTable.DataTable({
            paging: true,
            serverSide: true,
            processing: true,
listAction: {
                ajaxFunction:  _carService.getAll

but when I decorate the car app service with Remote services the _carService.getAll doesn't work anymore.

[RemoteService(IsMetadataEnabled = false)]
    public class CarAppService : CarAppServiceBase, ICarAppService

When I add [RemoteService(IsMetadataEnabled = false)] or [RemoteService(IsEnabled = false)] then it doesn't show in swagger but also the application doesn't work anymore because those services can't be reached through javascript.

So I need some thing to remove it from swagger but in a way that the methods can still be accessed by the application through javascript.

yes thank you.

Oké they are in the database now, they are not yet on schowing up on the entity histroy screen but I can probably solve that one. Thanks

Do I have to enable it in my job because my core module already does:

Configuration.Auditing.IsEnabledForAnonymousUsers = true;

So should I call the line below inside the background job?

IocManager.Resolve<IEntityHistoryConfiguration>().IsEnabledForAnonymousUsers = true;

Might this be happening because the entity historie is dependant on the iABPSession as stated here (from boilerplate documentation). Because in the scheduled hangfire job there is no session user etc.

The Entity History tracking system uses IAbpSession to get the current UserId and TenantId.

Is it possible to make it work in the hangfire jobs? What are the exact dependencies in the entity history to the abpsession?

I've added the entity types to the TrackedTypes, most of them are oké now.

Still some entities that are created inside a hangifre job don't get an entity change log. When I change the entity in the application it get's logged but not when it's created inside a hangfire job.

Iside the job I do:

using (var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
    InsuranceInvoice.Invoice invoice = new InsuranceInvoice.Invoice { amount = 1000 };
    await _InsuranceInvoiceRepository.InsertAsync(invoice);

    await uow.CompleteAsync();

Some of these objects are generated inside a hangfire job, might that be the problem?

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