Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "papinaser"

Hi . For a thrid party component I need to pass RoleProvider of my application to it for some initialization. and this RoleProvider must inherent from System.Web.Security.RoleProvider . Has Abp any class for this purpose ?

Hi. After Shutdown my pc and come back for runnig my project I have this error: Current user did not login to the application!

if (!AbpSession.UserId.HasValue)
          throw new AbpAuthorizationException(LocalizationManager.GetString(AbpConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "CurrentUserDidNotLoginToTheApplication"));

I clear browser cash but same error again. Thank you.

Hi. How I should use AppService Class defined in Application Layer in MVC Web Project? Exactly my problem is constrictor of AppService that take a IRepository as parameter.

    public class MenuGroupAppService: WebUIAppServiceBase, IMenuGroupAppService
        private readonly IRepository<MenuGroup> _menuGroupRepository;   
        public MenuGroupAppService(IRepository<MenuGroup> menuGroupRepository)
            _menuGroupRepository = menuGroupRepository;

        public IQueryable<MenuGroup> GetAllCreateMenuGroupInputs()
            return _menuGroupRepository.GetAll();

        public async Task<ListResultOutput<MenuGroupListDto>> GetList(GetMenuGroupListInput input)
            var menuGroups = await _menuGroupRepository
                .OrderByDescending(e => e.MenuOrderNO).ToListAsync();

            return new ListResultOutput<MenuGroupListDto>(menuGroups.MapTo<List<MenuGroupListDto>>());

and in controller how I should use MenuGroupAppService class for get list of menu groups ?

        public List<GetMenuGroupListInput> GetAllMenuGroups()
            return new MenuGroupAppService(WHAT I SHOULD PASS HERE?).
            GetList(new GetMenuGroupListInput {JustEspMenus = true});




Hi Is there any full sample based on module zero for download. I need to work with permissions , roles , users, validations, crud and etc..., that is based on abp module zero framework. Thanks.


Hi, How I can set permission for a custom role that I added to AbpRoles table?

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