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Activities of "paradoxit"


I have an issue where adding an AppService to a constructor I get a Castle Windsor DI error as it's creating a circular dependency, i.e. AppService1 requires AppService2 and AppService2 requires AppService1.

Can someone please advise how I achieve this?

For example a UserAppService method DeleteUser might call ContactAppService and a method in ContactAppService might need to call UserAppService.

I hope it makes sense.

Andy help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards, David Hawkins

How do we disable audit logging for Authenticate method? It's currently logging these methods to the database.

Thanks, David


When you tick remember me, no matter how much you use the website you still get logged out exactly 24 hours from login.

Can you advise how to make it so every page request resets this counter?

Kind regards, David

Please can anyone advise how I detect the tenantId from email address used to login so I can present a single domain and login to the users? I will prevent the same users being associated with multiple tenants.

I have seen this article : <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ent-tenant</a>

However there is little detail of implementation, i.e. where do I add the resolver etc?

Thanks for any help in advance.

Kind regards, David

How can I change the HTTP status code from an app service? When returning data it returns 200 and if I throw an exception it returns 500.

I would like to return custom codes and basic ajax response, without any wrapped data. I tried adding DontWrapResult to my method declaration of my service interface but nothing changed, it still returned wrapped JSON.

Any help on this would be greatly received.

Thank you, David Hawkins

When I call CalculateContentRootFolder in WebContentDirectoryFinder it works locally but when deployed to Azure I get the error System.ApplicationException: Could not find content root folder!

I make the call an AppService in the Application project if that helps.

Could you please advise how I resolve this? It appears the code is looking for a sln file which won't exist in the deployed version.

Please can you advise how I can return a localized formatted date on the server side from an IApplicationService?

I can do this locally in Angular using moment.js but I want to format the server side date to export a PDF.

When I follow the reset password link and reset an account password I am directed to the login page. However when I login with the new password I am immediately redirected to the password reset page again. Could you please advise how to resolve this?

Thanks, David HAwkins

I would like to offer users to sign in with an email address which is used to determine their tenant.

I have restricted usernames to be the email address, what system changes are required to make this work. I assume I will need to create a service which takes a username and returns the tenant key and id.

Has anyone achieved this or is there any advice on which UI and API methods need updating to support this.

Thanks in advance,

David Hawkins

I have noticed when I add a locale such as en-GB to my website, that the built in messages in the module zero DLL such as Duplicate username or email error no longer work/resolve. How can I add the en-GB locale to the localization?

An example is that Identity.DuplicateName no longer resolves.

Thanks in advance, David Hawkins

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