Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "paulvg"

For the MVC project a quick solution is to add the "aside-minimize-hoverable" class next to "aside-minimize" in \Areas\App\Views\Layout_Layout.cshtml

@(theme.BaseSettings.Menu.DefaultMinimizedAside ? "aside-minimize aside-minimize-hoverable" :"")

I had the same issue. It seems like gulp doesn't like characers '(' & ')' being part of the full path. After removing them or moving the project to another folder without any '(' ')' it worked.


So what i've found out, is that you need to aquire a token by sending a post to api/TokenAuth/Authenticate With a json body { "UserNameOrEmailAddress": "admin", "Password": "123qwr" }

But to make this post successfull you'll need to disable

//options.Filters.Add(new AutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenAttribute()); in the startup

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