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Activities of "[email protected]"



ASP.NET Zero v12.1.0. Sometimes when login out, it doesn't sign you out. Can be usually reproduced when setting a breakpoint to AccountControllrer's Logout() method (calling await _signInManager.SignOutAsync()). Step over and then continue. It seems, that logout was successfully done, but when trying to log in again, error is raised. When entering basic url (https://localhost:55443), you find yourself logged in, even thought you just logged out.


Not sure, if this is a bug or not: We have inserted some new localized string to hbcentral.xml file - some of those are in the middle of the file (in the same kind of context), some in the end of the file. Now we tried to add a new language, Finnish - everything went right. Except: When we started to translate terms or sentences (as Host admin in Administration -> Languages), those are totally messed. We noticed, that in the LanguageAppService they have used integer indexes instead of xml keys, and that's why the new language translations don't match at all.

These images show the issue: When we translate Hours -> "Tunti", it doesn't appear with Hours, but instead it's there with TenantUser -> "Tunti". So the "Hours" should be "Tunti" in Finnish.

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