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Activities of "peopleteq"



I am using dynamic API. I would like to know if it is possible to return always 200 http status code and use error code files on API response. Currently I am getting API error via http response status and error code field is always 0.



Sorry, error code field - error. Error field is always null


Sorry again. Error is not null in case of exception. Is it possible return 200 status code and error code in payload?


Thanks for info


I use modular system of abp. Each module has own localization source (xml file). As I found Angular app uses one localization source with name predefined in const variable AppConsts.localization.defaultLocalizationSourceName. Is it possible to specify different localization source name for different modules on angular app?

Hi @ismcagdas

Thanks a lot for help!


I need preporcess json payload on API call request, eg remove prefixes in name properties on json objects:

{ "value" }


{ item: "value" }

I need do this because not all API users can send data in required format. Can that be done within ANZ or that shold be done with ASP.NET Core only? I guess that can be done with middleware, I will very appreciate if you will show example


A;so preprocessing should be done not for all API of the host, only for exact services and much better for exact paths

Just want to specify my request. JSON should be (if possible) be processed not in request (I mean modyfing request body), but somewhere on upper lever like validation works.


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