Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "phoenix"

Good day,

I would like to inject a service to HangFire job. How to properly do it ? I have following code: Global.asax:

_container = new WindsorContainer();
JobActivator.Current = new WindsorJobActivator(_container.Kernel);

My JobBundle config:

WindsorContainer con = new WindsorContainer();
ImagesImportJob job = new ImagesImportJob(con.Resolve<ListingImageAppService>());
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate("JobId", () => job.ImportImages(), Cron.Daily);

And my HangFire Job:

public class ImagesImportJob
   private readonly ListingImageAppService _srv;
   public ImagesImportJob(ListingImageAppService srv)  { _srv = srv; }
   public void ImportImages()

Good day,

I would like to tie ApplicationLanguage with other entities.

For example, I want to create many-to-many relatioship between ApplicationLanguage and my custom Region class.

The problem is that ApplicationLanguage class in a separate solution and, therefore I can not modify it.

Is there a way to add navigation property to the ApplicationLanguage class ?


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