ok - thanks - also something possible like this:
if (currentUser.IsDelegatedUser) { data.LastModifiedBy = currentUser.Id; // Delegierter Benutzer data.ActingOnBehalfOf = currentUser.OriginalUserId; // Ursprünglicher Benutzer } else { data.LastModifiedBy = currentUser.Id; // Normaler Benutzer }
Thanks :) is it somwhow possible to show in UI that last change of an entity was done by delegated user?
Hi, I shared the information
We have latest version - V13.4 - installed
still not working ... could this approach make sense?
Invoke Cache Clearing on Deployment
To ensure the CSS cache is cleared every time you deploy a new version of your Angular app:
Include a versioning strategy for your static assets in angular.json.
"configurations": { "production": { "outputHashing": "all" } }
so order for build:
yarn npm run create-dynamic-bundles npm run publish
Thanks for that - now one step forward. But still I need to reload - any further idea?
DEBUG: scripts.c7f035c4f2b95935.js:1 Starting connection using WebSockets transport scripts.c7f035c4f2b95935.js:1 DEBUG: scripts.c7f035c4f2b95935.js:1 Starting connection using WebSockets transport scripts.c7f035c4f2b95935.js:1 [2024-11-19T12:37:44.397Z] Information: WebSocket connected to wss://myURL/signalr?id=3KFUWjao_Q7rNmiSHUB_iA. scripts.c7f035c4f2b95935.js:1 DEBUG: scripts.c7f035c4f2b95935.js:1 Connected to SignalR server! scripts.c7f035c4f2b95935.js:1 DEBUG: scripts.c7f035c4f2b95935.js:1 Registered to the SignalR server! scripts.c7f035c4f2b95935.js:1 [2024-11-19T12:37:44.550Z] Information: WebSocket connected to wss://myURL/signalr-chat?id=hAmuvL5relNB_lA0fuU5Cg.
"scripts": {
"ng": "ng",
"publish": "gulp build && ng build --configuration production",
"lint": "eslint -c .eslintrc.js --ext .ts src",
"post-publish": "shx mv ./wwwroot/dist/* ./wwwroot/",
"publish-k8s": "gulp build && ng build --configuration k8s --verbose",
"start": "ng serve --host --port 4200",
"hmr": "gulp buildDev && ng serve --host --port 4200 --hmr",
"test": "gulp buildDev && ng test",
"create-dynamic-bundles": "gulp buildDev",
"nswag": "cd nswag/ && refresh.bat"