Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "pliaspzero"

...and this is the backend UI - looks a bit "strange" - seems CSS issue

When you open and run Dev Tools F12 - you see it in more detail

It is outside - I used default script - how can I change it to inside host ? o install angular/cli globally. In order to install it, run npm install -g @angular/cli I did already few times

We have same issue pls help!

Could it also be done like this?

Clear Cache on Setting Change

ABP Framework uses caching for settings to improve performance. If the cache is not cleared immediately after a setting is updated, one of the instances may continue using the outdated settings.

To ensure the cache is cleared after saving changes, you should explicitly clear the cache after updating the ABP Settings. Here’s how you can handle cache invalidation programmatically after saving settings:


// Clear cache after settings are saved await _cacheManager.GetCache("AbpSettingsCache").ClearAsync();

This ensures that the cache is cleared and both instances will load the updated settings from the database.

Thank you! so solution would be to setup REdis Cache (in Azure) and ...

Configuration.Caching.UseRedis(options => { options.ConnectionString = _appConfiguration["Abp:RedisCache:ConnectionString"]; options.DatabaseId = _appConfiguration.GetValue<int>("Abp:RedisCache:DatabaseId"); });

Could it be a problem with Instance count 2 in Azure - we are running 2 instances? With some caching issue?

ok - thanks - in ASPZERO - could I do it here?

public static class AppConfigurations
    private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary&lt;string, IConfigurationRoot&gt; ConfigurationCache;

    static AppConfigurations()
        ConfigurationCache = new ConcurrentDictionary&lt;string, IConfigurationRoot&gt;();

    public static IConfigurationRoot Get(string path, string environmentName = null, bool addUserSecrets = false)
        var cacheKey = path + "#" + environmentName + "#" + addUserSecrets;
        return ConfigurationCache.GetOrAdd(
            _ => BuildConfiguration(path, environmentName, addUserSecrets)

    private static IConfigurationRoot BuildConfiguration(string path, string environmentName = null,
        bool addUserSecrets = false)
        var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
            .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true);

        if (!environmentName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
            builder = builder.AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{environmentName}.json", optional: true);

        builder = builder.AddEnvironmentVariables();

        if (addUserSecrets)
            builder.AddUserSecrets(typeof(AppConfigurations).GetAssembly(), true);

        var builtConfig = builder.Build();
        new AppAzureKeyVaultConfigurer().Configure(builder, builtConfig);

        return builder.Build();

Ok - thanks

How can I exclude appsettings.json & appsettings.Production.json (MVC API)

and for angular: assets/appconfig.json assets/appconfig.json assets/appconfig.k8s.json assets/appconfig.production.json - could this also be done in build-with-ng.ps1?

Ok - thanks

How can I exclude appsettings.json & appsettings.Production.json (MVC API)

and for angular: assets/appconfig.json assets/appconfig.json assets/appconfig.k8s.json assets/appconfig.production.json - could this also be done in build-with-ng.ps1?

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