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Activities of "priteshsanipara"

I have Job helper class. I need to call it from static class. How to I call SendNotifications() from other class. How to created the object of JobHelper class.

public class JobHelper : ITransientDependency { private readonly ILogger Logger; private readonly IAppUserService _appUserService;

    public JobHelper(ILogger logger, IAppUserService appUserService)
        Logger = logger;
        _appUserService = appUserService;

public async Task SendNotifications(CreateNotificationsInput notificaton) { var users = await _appUserService.GetUsersForNotification(input); }


How to get user details on CSHTML page?

I have created on API controller inside WebAPI project. Get and Post both method are shown up in Swagger. but (1) I am not able to call Post method. It run the api but response body is empty. (2) I am not able to call Get method having model as input. It is giving "Null model!" error

I am also have the same issue. Swagger shows all the dynamic api but not showing the API from controller inside webapi project

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