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Activities of "quantavn"

We have a plan to upgrade to the new version too, looking forward to the solution from ANZ team!

I've solved the issue temporarily by:

  1. Adding Application Settings WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE to the Web Host's App Service
  2. Use Clock.Provider = ClockProviders.Local;

It's better if we check deeper to know why not using Clock.Provider = ClockProviders.Utc the time is still normalized.

Hi @ismcagdas,

In List view, I'm using this momentFormat:'HH:mm'

I've just update to not use ClockProvider.Utc, I still got this strange issue: In CreateOrEdit view, input 15:30 ~ 16:00: Then in List view, it displays as : Open CreateOrEdit view again: In Server: In DB:

Wonder if it is related to this or not:

UPDATE: Try to udpate the date to September, the issue still occurs: In CreateOrEdit: In Server: Then in List: In DB:

UPDATE 2: In Client, CreateOrEdit component: In Client, ProxyService:

UPDATE 3: After deploying to Azure, the time is input as 15:30 but inserted into DB as 05:30 (PC's timezone: UTC+10:00)

Hi @ismcagdas,

About #1, I've tried several options when deploying to Azure:

  1. First, don't use either ClockProvider or DisableDateTimeNormalization:
    1. In CreateOrEdit view: input a date with value the '15:30'
    2. In List view: the date is display as '08:30'
  2. Use ClockProvider.Local and DisableDateTimeNormalization:
    1. It displays well in both views (CreateOrEdit and List) in my laptop (Vietnam, Hanoi timezone) with the value '15:30'
    2. But in my partner laptop (another TimeZone, Sydney), it displays as '08:30' in both views
  3. Use ClockProvider.Utc and DisableDateTimeNormalization (the same result as the 1st option)
    1. In CreateOrEdit view: input a date with value the '15:30'
    2. In List view: the date is display as '08:30'

About #2, here is the string I got from my laptop when using Option 3:

  1. Client: The string content at service-proxies.ts after using JSON.stringify(body)
  2. Server:
  3. DB (MS SQL Server):

What I want is: the value '15:30' is displayed in both views (CreateOrEdit and List), at any TimeZone.

I got a strange error related to this issue, don't know where and how to investigate. Hope DEV team can help! It works as usual at LOCALHOST (Vietnam time GMT+7) when developing but the DateTime is substract by 7 hours (-7 hours) when deploying to Azure (location: Southeast Asia). I've tried using DisableDateTimeNormalization (applied to the CreateOrEdit DTOs) but it did not work (there's no differences before and after changed).

Hi @bobingham,

Can you share me your email, I have some information need to discuss with you in private? Here is my email: [email protected]

To whom it may concern, I've solved this problem by 02 options: Option 1: UserAppService.cs: users.component.html:

<td style="width: 150px">
    <span class="ui-column-title"> {{'UserName' | localize}}</span>
    <div class="kt-user-card-v2">
        <div class="kt-user-card-v2__pic">
            <img *ngIf="!record.profilePictureId" src="./assets/common/images/default-profile-picture.png" alt="pic" />
            <img *ngIf="record.profilePictureId" [src]="record.profilePicture" alt="pic" />
        <div class="kt-user-card-v2__details">
            <span class="kt-user-card-v2__name">{{record.userName}}</span>

Option 2: ProfileController.cs:

public async Task<ActionResult> GetProfilePicture(Guid profilePictureId)
    var defaultProfilePicture = "/Common/Images/SampleProfilePics/sample-profile-01.jpg";
    var file = await _binaryObjectManager.GetOrNullAsync(profilePictureId);
    if (file == null)
        return File(defaultProfilePicture, MimeTypeNames.ImageJpeg);

    return File(file.Bytes, MimeTypeNames.ImageJpeg);


<td style="width: 150px">
    <span class="ui-column-title"> {{'UserName' | localize}}</span>
    <div class="kt-user-card-v2">
        <div class="kt-user-card-v2__pic">
            <img *ngIf="!record.profilePictureId" src="./assets/common/images/default-profile-picture.png" alt="pic" />
            <img *ngIf="record.profilePictureId" [src]="remoteServiceBaseUrl + '/Profile/GetProfilePicture?profilePictureId=' + record.profilePictureId" alt="pic" />
        <div class="kt-user-card-v2__details">
            <span class="kt-user-card-v2__name">{{record.userName}}</span>
<td style="width: 150px">

No, there's no javascript error. The request is keeping generated and my CPU is 100% then I need to close Google Chrome.

No, I don't think it is expected. Actually users list has only 03 records. I think there might be a potential bug here. In meanwhile, I will try as your suggestion.

Thank you for the suggestion, I've tried to update as following:


<td style="width: 150px">
    <span class="ui-column-title"> {{'UserName' | localize}}</span>
    <img *ngIf="!record.profilePictureId" src="./assets/common/images/default-profile-picture.png" alt="pic" />
    <img *ngIf="record.profilePictureId" [src]="getProfilePicture(record.profilePictureId)" alt="pic" />


getProfilePicture(profilePictureId: string): string {
    let profilePicture = '';
    this._profileServiceProxy.getProfilePictureById(profilePictureId).subscribe(result => {
        if (result && result.profilePicture) {
            profilePicture = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + result.profilePicture;
    return profilePicture;

But, the Google Chrome was hang, and I got 100% CPU.

I've checked and found that there are many requests are made:

Can you give me any idea? What was wrong here?

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