Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "rafalpiotrowski"

I just found this related issue:

it worked for me!

OK solved the problem.

The whole chain of classes has to be marked Audited or DisableAuditing in order for the EntityHistory to work

removed all migrations and run

  1. Add-Migration InitialCreate
  2. changed first entry in __EFMigrationsHistory MigrationId = 20190130234948_InitialCreate and ProductVersion to the one from XXXDbContextModelSnaphot
  3. removed all other entried in the __EFMigrationsHistory table except the first one that we changed

not Add-Migration works and can add new migrations

its closed

Yes we can!

need to installnuget package Hangfire.MySqlStorage in AspNetZeroProject.Web.Core

and in AspNetZeroProject.Web.Host Startup.cs file add this

            services.AddHangfire(config =>
                new MySqlStorage(_appConfiguration.GetConnectionString("Hangfire_MySQL"));
            JobStorage.Current = new MySqlStorage(_appConfiguration.GetConnectionString("Hangfire_MySQL"));

the following solved the problems

using (var uow = UnitOfWorkManager.Begin()) { ... uow.Complete(); }

fot me the AsyncHelper.RunSync does not help

did this help you?

cannot see the picture

Can you just run the Host application by hitting F5 and see the memory usage in Visual Studio Memery diagnostic graph. Mine goes to 530MB just like that!

Just to remind you that my db is fresh (empty - no user data in it)

Please just make this experiment and tell me what you get!

you wrote that you do not see any thing unsual!!!

I have been asking what is your foot I have been asking?

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