Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "rattlehub"

I have service that i want to call that calls the bing rss service.

I have exposed it in the .Application project as follows

public ListResultDto<AddressListDto> GetAddresByString(string input) { var address = new List<Address>(); var locationService = new BingMaps.BingGeoSpatialService(); var bingAddresses = locationService.GetLocationsByQueryAsync(input).Result; if (bingAddresses?.EstimatedTotal > 0) { foreach (var location in bingAddresses.Locations) { var foundAddress = new Address(); if (AbpSession.UserId != null) { foundAddress.UserId = AbpSession.UserId.Value; } foundAddress.AddressLine1 = location.Address.AddressLine; foundAddress.AdminDistrict = location.Address.AdminDistrict; foundAddress.AdminDistrict2 = location.Address.AdminDistrict2; foundAddress.City = location.Address.Locality; foundAddress.Country = location.Address.CountryRegion; foundAddress.FormattedAddress = location.Address.FormattedAddress; if (location.GeocodePoints?.Count > 0) { foundAddress.Latitude = (decimal)location.GeocodePoints[0].Coordinates[0]; foundAddress.Longitude = (decimal)location.GeocodePoints[0].Coordinates[1]; } address.Add(foundAddress); } }

        return new ListResultDto&lt;AddressListDto&gt;(address.MapTo&lt;List&lt;AddressListDto&gt;>());

This seems to expose it perfectly but if i call"Bukingham palace, england"); it seems to return immediately. Do you have a example where i can leverage the framework to expose logic and return the result to the browser (console); Basically im trying to use the framework to expose javascript functions

Thanks. Works perfectly

I seem to be running into issues when i rename the namespace. I want to rename RattleHub.Permyssion.Web.Host to RattleHub.Permyssion.Web.Api RattleHub.Permyssion.Web.Mvc to RattleHub.Permyssion.Web.WebSite and RattleHub.Permyssion.EntityFrameworkCore to RattleHub.Permyssion.EntityFramework

Is this possible or is it breaking the licensing

In the current solutions bootstraps css is loaded from /metronic/dist/html/default/assets/demo/default/base/style.bundle.css

We would like to remove the bootstrap from here as this makes it very hard to manage and we want to load bootstrap from a cdn as most users would then have it cached. Is there a safe way to remove the bootstrap out of this file. I can understand why they would merge that in to be honest.

Nothing in Gulp seems to create the still.bundle from what i can see

Thank you. Was hard to see where the Boostrap ended.

outputFileName: 'wwwroot/view-resources/Areas/AppAreaName/Views/_Bundles/app-layout-libs.js', inputFiles: [ //"wwwroot/lib/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js",

Out of interest sake, i see you merge jquery.ui but i dont see any other files added or merged to the product. It looks like it isnt needed. Is my assumption correct.

Is it possible to document how to use this in aspnetzero already. Must of us want a pure .net core solution and would accept a alpha version rather than run .net 4.6 as well.

Is it possible to overide the save on the database context. We have a custon attribute that we need to check if the value has the attribute defined and then modify the data. Could you advise me the best way to do this.

We are basically looking to implememnt something like this where we can see if a Encryped attribute is set and then if need be encrypt the data

<a class="postlink" href=""></a>

The problem is the 2 files with the name nul.

If you cant delete a null file run the following command . rename \.\C:\Projects\Company.Product.Web.MVC\node_modules\datamaps\src\js\deletefile\nul.json deletefile.txt

Then just delete the deletefile.txt

I am trying to build a custom Public site. I have included <script src="~/AbpScripts/[email protected]" type="text/javascript"></script> in the bottom of my page but i get this error. GetScripts:1299 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'utcClockProvider' of undefined at GetScripts:1299 at GetScripts:1302

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