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Activities of "reddogaw"

To answer my own question... I just spotted the UnitOfWorkManager.Begin() overload that allows us to pass in a UnitOfWorkOptions instance which could then be extended with my own properties...

However, it's important to note that the operation must mark itself with the [UnitOfWork] attribute set to IsDisabled = true.

public class ExtendedUnitOfWorkOptions : UnitOfWorkOptions
        public ExtendedUnitOfWorkOptions()
            UpdateLastModified = true;

        public bool UpdateLastModified { get; set; }

Then in my DbContext I can override SetModificationAuditProperties() function:

protected override void SetModificationAuditProperties(DbEntityEntry entry, long? userId)
            var isEnabled = true;
            if (CurrentUnitOfWorkProvider != null && CurrentUnitOfWorkProvider.Current != null)
                var uow = CurrentUnitOfWorkProvider.Current;
                if (uow.Options is ExtendedUnitOfWorkOptions)
                    isEnabled = (uow.Options as ExtendedUnitOfWorkOptions).UpdateLastModified;

            if (isEnabled)
                base.SetModificationAuditProperties(entry, userId);

Which can be consumed within my special operation like:

[UnitOfWork(IsDisabled = true)]
        public virtual async Task SignOffIncident(IdInput input)
            using (var unitOfWork = UnitOfWorkManager.Begin(new ExtendedUnitOfWorkOptions() { UpdateLastModified = false }))
                var incident = await _incidentManager.FindByIdAsync(input.Id);
                incident.SignOffTime = Clock.Now;
                incident.SignOffUserId = AbpSession.GetUserId();
                await _incidentManager.UpdateAsync(incident);

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