Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "replink"

We are going to be upgrading an existing applicaiton with a lot of data from an existing database. While we're building new forms and functionality and re-writing some old forms, we'll still be using our old application running side by side with the application. They'll be completley separate projects but they'll use the same database. This database has tons of data, tables, business layer sprocs, and authentication information.

We've done a quick proof of concept with the a demo of aspnetzero. However, this was using the default out of the box aspnetzero entities. Is there a tutorial anywhere to help us integrate a brand new aspnet project but using our existing database. I know we'll have to add aspnetzero table to it, but I was looking for some guidance to do this.

We'll be usign the angular/ Core project. We'll be trying to replace EF with Dapper or direct SQL calls for better performance.

I have a question about the .NET Core & Angular implementaiton and the ORM. It appears that this framework is using Entity Framework for data access. EF has had some optimization issues and we wanted to know if you have any examples of converting the ORM to using Dapper or to even use direct SQL access isntead of using an ORM. I don't know if EF is going to provide the performance we need on our application.

I was able to get it working.

  1. I updated the appsettings.Product.json file in the server app

//"ClientRootAddress": "http://localhost:4200/", //"CorsOrigins": "http://localhost:9902", "ServerRootAddress": "https://[mycompany]", "ClientRootAddress": "https://[mycompany]", "CorsOrigins": "https://[mycompany],https://[mycompany]"

  1. I added this to the Startup.cs in the services.AddCors section (because of .Net Core 2.2)

.SetIsOriginAllowed((host) => true)

Using the Angular + .NET Core sample application. I have set up and deployed the server side, no issues. I am having trouble with the Angular client. It is working locally.

When I try to deploy Running 'ng build -prod' is giving me the error "Unknown option: '-d' ". I'm running powershell as Admin. I was able to build with 'ng build --prod' I followed all other directions exactly.

When I try to run it my browser just shows the spinning progress animation and I have the following error in the console:

SEC7120: [CORS] The origin 'https://[mycompnay]' did not find 'https://[mycompnay]' in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header for cross-origin resource at 'https://[mycompnay]'.

This is a simple, unmodified demo. The only changes are changes I made matching the setup and deployment guides. I did update appconfig.production.json with the same changes made to appconfig.json because it was referring to the localhost in the error above until I did that.

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