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Activities of "rickfrankel"

I have confirmed that 13.1.0 and the latest preview VS works again.

Thank you :) We're still going through our full round of testing and updates to our project to 13.1.0. Will let you know if we find anything else. I'm watching that github issue now.

Thanks. Understood :)


We've worked around KTCard for now. However for anyone who stumbles on this support ticket at a later date.

Please note the following issue with v13.1.0, which is a problem if you are using features and redis caching.

I've also added a third item to the list above we are still working on.

You can either mark it as [JsonInclude] or you need to remove the private setter.

Can you also please search the rest of the code for where this could be an issue. An urgent hotfix would be greatly appreciated as 13.1.0 is currently broken with features and redis.

Thanks Rick

The issue is the private setter on the TenantFeatureCacheItem FeatureValues property.

If I remove the private setter and make it public then System.Text.Json can deserialize it correctly to the object required.

With the private setter it does not work.

Further debugging has found this is a problem due to the updates to the serialization as well.

See this fiddle to show the issue.

Thanks ismcagdas.

That works. Was trying to avoid it and stick to native metronic. Does that mean most of the metronic things that rely on native bootstrap won't work?

Hi MightyIt,

We also had this problem (happens with lots of different hosting proxies, including cloudflare, azure app services etc).

But the file we modify is in angular\src\assets\abp-web-resources\abp.js

This file doesn't change when we upgrade any node modules to my knowledge and when we upgrade aspnetzero we're just careful on the merge to make sure it retains our value.


I believe I've had a similar issue.

It was related to the version of Visual Studio I was running. In particular preview versions. I believe if you want to run the latest preview version of visual studio you will need to upgrade to 13.1 (which is not yet release) which has the fixes for this in it.

However I haven't yet tested it all yet as I'm waiting for 13.1 to come up fully and not be release candidate.

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