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Activities of "rpollak"

I keep a branch called Framework-Master with unmodified Zero in my repository and merge the updates to my master branch. I think that's the best way to handle updates right now.

Hmm, that got the root component to load as desired. Unfortunately, that's also what loads for the children now. Both '../app/main' & '../app/main/dashboard' are loading MainRootComponent.

Can't say I know a quick way. I just searched my project for 'primeng/primeng' and deleted the lines with those imports. Then I right-clicked all the new red squiggly underlined stuff and carefully selected the appropriate non-'primeng/prime/ng' import paths. Everything compiled for me after making that change.

I was having the same issue. I solved it by changing all my primeng imports according to this comment from the github thread maliming shared:

Looks like I had an error in my html.

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