Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "rrader26"

Hello, I am using the PowerTool code generator, all compiles fine and the database is created. However, when I go to insert a record using the swagger UI. I am getting the following error. Thought to what i could be?

{ "result": null, "targetUrl": null, "success": false, "error": { "code": 0, "message": "An internal error occurred during your request!", "details": null, "validationErrors": null }, "unAuthorizedRequest": false, "__abp": true }

Here is the tcClients.Client.json file which the generator uses

{ "IsRegenerate": true, "MenuPosition": "main", "RelativeNamespace": "TcClients", "EntityName": "Client", "EntityNamePlural": "Clients", "TableName": "Clients", "PrimaryKeyType": "long", "BaseClass": "Entity", "EntityHistory": true, "AutoMigration": true, "UpdateDatabase": true, "CreateUserInterface": true, "CreateViewOnly": true, "CreateExcelExport": true, "PagePermission": { "Host": true, "Tenant": true }, "Properties": [ { "Name": "FirstName", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 50, "MinLength": 2, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": true, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } }, { "Name": "LastName", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 50, "MinLength": 2, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": true, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } }, { "Name": "EmailAddress", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 100, "MinLength": 1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": true, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } }, { "Name": "PhoneNumber", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 20, "MinLength": 10, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": true, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } }, { "Name": "Billable_Address", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 100, "MinLength": 1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": true, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } }, { "Name": "Billable_Address2", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 100, "MinLength": 0, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } }, { "Name": "Billable_City", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 50, "MinLength": 1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": true, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } }, { "Name": "Billable_State", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 2, "MinLength": 2, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": true, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } }, { "Name": "Billable_Zip", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 10, "MinLength": 5, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": true, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } }, { "Name": "Soldto_Address", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 100, "MinLength": 1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": true, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } }, { "Name": "Soldto_Address2", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 100, "MinLength": 0, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } }, { "Name": "Soldto_City", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 50, "MinLength": 1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": true, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } }, { "Name": "Soldto_State", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 2, "MinLength": 2, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": true, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } }, { "Name": "Soldto_Zip", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 10, "MinLength": 5, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": true, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } }, { "Name": "Billable_Country", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 3, "MinLength": 2, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": true, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } }, { "Name": "Soldto_Country", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": 3, "MinLength": 2, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": true, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } } ], "NavigationProperties": [], "EnumDefinitions": [] }

Here is the curl:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:22742/api/services/app/Clients/CreateOrEdit" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json-patch+json" -d "{ "firstName": "Ryan", "lastName": "Bader", "emailAddress": "[email protected]", "phoneNumber": "555-555-5555", "billable_Address": "9901 Main St", "billable_Address2": "", "billable_City": "Charlotte", "billable_State": "NC", "billable_Zip": "28277", "soldto_Address": "9901 Main St", "soldto_Address2": "", "soldto_City": "Charlotte", "soldto_State": "NC", "soldto_Zip": "28277", "billable_Country": "USA", "soldto_Country": "USA",}"

where do I check the log? from the console it's not showing any

is there a way for the error to get returned/passed to the api so we know the error at time of execution?

This maybe be a stupid question, but when I run the application as admin. I navigate to the OrgUnit I am getting a blank screen. Only option is to add new OrgUnits. My stupid question is, so where do I use the AppPermissions and how in the front end can I have tenants choose which users have access to what pages?

Hello, We have a requirement to allows users to signup for a package (base). We would also like to sell add-on's that users can subscribe too. We would like this to be added to the existing subscription. Can something like this be done with AspNetZero?

This is how my screen looks

How can I get the sections to look like this one and standout?

Thanks. I am not wanting to use that theme. I am wanting to make the background color darker so you can see the box around forms/grid. What I am working with seems to blend in and its hard to see the different sections/forms. So I would like to change the color or set a setting so it will pop out more. Any thoughts?

Hello, We have been developing a new application locally and have decided to try and run it in Azure App service. We compile the code using node --max_old_space_size=8192 node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng build --prod this is due to resource issue we have with ng build --prd.

We compile the code, ftp it to Azure and on first run its throws a popup box internal error. When I take the same code base and running locally using httpserver it runs okay. Any pointers on how to figure out what is wrong.

You can see the site at

I did and I followed it, but when I publish I get internal error but no indication of where the error is or logs that I can find.

we figured out the issue late last night

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