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Activities of "rvanwoezik"

Hi, I have added a ticket desk system, where users can create tickets for support etc. Also I have added to the TicketAppService a notification

await _notiticationPublisher.PublishAsync("NewTicketCreated", new NewTicketCreatedNotificationData("rene", "title van een ticket"));

Now In the Topbar i get a notification badge, put the notification text is a questionmark. with no text.

Can you please guid me in the direction to add custom text.

First of All, all the best wishes for 2017 !

When adding members to OrganizationUnits i would like to add additional data like traveltime and traveldistance The calculating traveltime and distance part i already have,

What is the best way to extend the AbpUserOrganizationUnits?

Thanx in advance.

Maybe a stupid question but how do i add a menu seperator in SPA.

<a class="postlink" href=""> ... index.html</a>

Like "Features" and "Layouts" in above link

Thanks in advance


I have made some updates, published to Azure. Now when i try to login nothing happens. It's problably something small. But I am struggling for a day now. Local debug works fine. What can i check?

Please advise

For members of my organization units I want to use Metronic User Card <a class="postlink" href=""> ... cards.html</a> I want to use ng-repeat with 4 cards per row and i know how to do it in razor.

<div class="portlet-body">
                    <div class="mt-element-card mt-element-overlay">
                        <div ng-repeat="employee in vm.employees" ng-if="$index % 4 == 0" class="row">
                            <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
                                <div class="mt-card-item">....
                                     <div class="mt-card-content">
                                        <h3 class="mt-card-name">{{employees[$index].name}}</h3>

But i get an emply page. No JS errors, service is working Now i happen to be Angular challenged ;-) Can someone help me with Angular?

With Abp 1.1.3?

I want to increase profile picture size, I have changed the following

file.ContentLength in ProfileController.cs (both public JsonResult UploadProfilePicture() and public virtual async Task<JsonResult> ChangeProfilePicture() in changePicture.js i have increased File size check.

But i still get validation error after resize, Please advise!



In the Netherlands, thanks to Napoleon Bonaparte, we have a surname prefix, like my last name is "Van Woezik" where "Van" is a surname prefix meaning "from".

In ..Core i have extended User with property "SurnamePrefix"

public virtual string SurnamePrefix { get; set; }

In ..Entity Framework i have added migration

public override void Up()
            AddColumn("dbo.AbpUsers", "SurnamePrefix", c => c.String(nullable: true, maxLength: 12));

When i try to add a new User in SPA, i can't save when there is no SurnamePrefix

What am I forgetting? Please advice, TIA, Rene van Woezik

Hi, Please let me introduce myself. My name is Rene and i'm from the Netherlands (Johan Cruijff, Weed, etc). After weeks of struggling to build it myself i finally purchased a license.

I really admire your skills and the DDD concept has kept me from sleeping the last couple of weeks ;-)

I work at an Physical Therapy organization []) We have one headoffice/ clinic and around 60 small subclinics across the netherlands. I want to use zero to administrate employees, clinics, equipment, computers, assigned therapist etc. also i want to create an collaboration platform for the employees/therapist with a wikipedia / faq, instructional video's etc.

Here are my questions, how would u do it? : Employees, all employees are Users, should i extend the user with employee information? extending table AbpUsers. or should i create a seperate entity Employee and link them to users? Employees can have one or more addresses with start, end Employees which are of type "Physicaltherapist" have additional therapistscodes should i use fluent ef with migrator?

Clinics, Clinis are organizational units which have an address, geocoordinates to calculate traveltime and distance for HRM Would you extend organization unit with address, etc. or use a new entity. Clinics have one or more Treatmentrooms, are treatmentrooms organizational units, or new entities? -> same for treatmentrooms must have certain equipment. organizational unit or new..

A lot of questions, i hope you can help me. Thanks in advance,

Showing 61 to 69 of 69 entries