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Activities of "rvanwoezik"

 if (!this._sessionService.user) {
            let sessionObservable = new Subject<any>();

                    (autResult: boolean) => {
                        if (autResult) {
                        } else {
                    (error) => {
            return sessionObservable;

In src folder i have created a landing folder with a landing component

Hope this helps, Kind regards, Rene van Woezik

I have send you an email directly on 5th of May, 2022 to [email protected] Maybe you have missed it.

Can you please check!

Kind Regards Rene van Woezik

But the question is, why doesn't change the payment status to Paid? While it works local in debug with the Stripe CLI Listener

Is it because of Azure handling? Is it i because i have Sign In without specifying Tenant Or is it i have one user per tenant for billing

        public async Task<IActionResult> WebHooks()
            string json;
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Request.Body))
                json = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync();

            Logger.debug("Json = " + json);

To be sure, does Logger.debug show when in production?

Meanwhile i found out it gets timed-out in the getPaymentResult loop in stripe-payment-result.component.ts

getPaymentResult(): void {
            (paymentResult) => {
                if (paymentResult.paymentDone) {
                } else {
            (err) => {

Checking the database record in dbo.AppSubscriptionPayments Is says Status = 1 (NotPaid)

Hi, I already checked that and it worked before, looks like transfer from .NET 5.0 to .NET 6.0 made it stop working, but i am not sure. Funny thing when i debug local with Stripe CLI listener it works. Any other AZN users experience the same?



I found all themes, except theme 13, are missing css classes for the cookieconsent: .cc-window { background-color: #282a3a; } .cc-btn { background-color: #5867dd; border-color: #5867dd; color: #ffffff; } .cc-message { color: #fefefe; } Hope this helps! Kind regards

Found it! was still using version 10 above mentioned showLoginAttempts was different in version 10 thanks

Hi @ismcagdag, sorry i wasn't clear, i mean the usermenu in your profile

So after clicking My Subscriptions <a routerLink="/app/admin/subscription-management" i want to hide the usermenu

~~Can you please guid me in the right direction?~~

Found it, i have added the following to UserManager

public async Task<User> TryGetUserWithoutSpecifyingTenant(string userEmail)
            using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant))
                var user = await Users.SingleOrDefaultAsync(u => u.EmailAddress == userEmail.Trim());
                if (user == null)
                    throw new Exception("There is no user with email: " + userEmail);

                return user;

And in the AccountAppService

private async Task<User> GetUserByChecking(string inputEmailAddress)
            var user = await UserManager.TryGetUserWithoutSpecifyingTenant(inputEmailAddress);
            if (user == null)
                throw new UserFriendlyException(L("InvalidEmailAddress"));

            return user;

If there is a better way please let me know.

Kind regards, Rene van Woezik

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