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Activities of "rvanwoezik"

Hi all,

As from the 1st of April i am switching to another job, my current company is looking for a dutch native full stack developer to maintain and extend an existing ASP.NET CORE & Angular Project. Initialy for one day in the week.

Please let me know when you are interested

Kind regards, Rene van Woezik

ASP.NET CORE & Angular (single solution) .NET 6.0 v11.1.0

When register a new tenant with stripe in live mode the payment get stuck on:********** Please Wait Receiving payment result. Please wait

When using stripe in test mode in local debug with Stripe CLI Listener it works

Tenant is created, but is not active.

Webhook Log in Stripe gives an 405 Error for both checkout.session.completed and invoice.paid <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>UnsupportedHttpVerb</title></head><body><h1>The resource doesn't support specified Http Verb.</h1><p><ul><li>HttpStatusCode: 405</li><li>ErrorCode: UnsupportedHttpVerb</li><li>RequestId : 181beb7c-601e-0018-39ad-585e8a000000</li><li>TimeStamp : 2022-04-25T14:02:22.0604296Z</li></ul></p></body></html>

Stripe API version: 2020-08-27

No errors in log file

Please help!



I have added DateOfBirth to the entity user

When saving the date to the database, for instance 2010-3-13, it's saved to sql as 2013-3-12 22:00

And then displayes in the client as 2013-3 -12 instead fo 2013-3-13

I think this is caused by timezoneconverter, how to overrule this?

Thanks in advance

v11.0.1 Angular How do i change the background color of the Cooke Consent?

Now it's transparent so not clearly visible

Thanks in advance


ASP.NET CORE & Angular (single solution) .NET 5.0 v10.2.0

I have added a navigation option to user-menu.component.html <a routerLink="/app/admin/subscription-management" class="navi-item" id="ShowMySubscriptionsLink"> <div class="navi-link"> <div class="symbol symbol-40 bg-light mr-3"> <div class="symbol-label pulse pulse-primary"> <span class="svg-icon svg-icon-primary svg-icon-2x svg-icon-primary"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" version="1.1"> <g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"> <rect x="0" y="0" width="24" height="24"></rect> <path d="M2.56066017,10.6819805 L4.68198052,8.56066017 C5.26776695,7.97487373 6.21751442,7.97487373 6.80330086,8.56066017 L8.9246212,10.6819805 C9.51040764,11.267767 9.51040764,12.2175144 8.9246212,12.8033009 L6.80330086,14.9246212 C6.21751442,15.5104076 5.26776695,15.5104076 4.68198052,14.9246212 L2.56066017,12.8033009 C1.97487373,12.2175144 1.97487373,11.267767 2.56066017,10.6819805 Z M14.5606602,10.6819805 L16.6819805,8.56066017 C17.267767,7.97487373 18.2175144,7.97487373 18.8033009,8.56066017 L20.9246212,10.6819805 C21.5104076,11.267767 21.5104076,12.2175144 20.9246212,12.8033009 L18.8033009,14.9246212 C18.2175144,15.5104076 17.267767,15.5104076 16.6819805,14.9246212 L14.5606602,12.8033009 C13.9748737,12.2175144 13.9748737,11.267767 14.5606602,10.6819805 Z" fill="#000000" opacity="0.3"></path> <path d="M8.56066017,16.6819805 L10.6819805,14.5606602 C11.267767,13.9748737 12.2175144,13.9748737 12.8033009,14.5606602 L14.9246212,16.6819805 C15.5104076,17.267767 15.5104076,18.2175144 14.9246212,18.8033009 L12.8033009,20.9246212 C12.2175144,21.5104076 11.267767,21.5104076 10.6819805,20.9246212 L8.56066017,18.8033009 C7.97487373,18.2175144 7.97487373,17.267767 8.56066017,16.6819805 Z M8.56066017,4.68198052 L10.6819805,2.56066017 C11.267767,1.97487373 12.2175144,1.97487373 12.8033009,2.56066017 L14.9246212,4.68198052 C15.5104076,5.26776695 15.5104076,6.21751442 14.9246212,6.80330086 L12.8033009,8.9246212 C12.2175144,9.51040764 11.267767,9.51040764 10.6819805,8.9246212 L8.56066017,6.80330086 C7.97487373,6.21751442 7.97487373,5.26776695 8.56066017,4.68198052 Z" fill="#000000"></path> </g> </svg> </span> <span class="pulse-ring"></span> </div> </div> <div class="navi-text"> <div class="font-weight-bold"> {{"MySubscription" | localize}} </div> <div class="text-muted"> {{"MySubscription_Description" | localize}} </div> </div> </div> </a> From where i navigate to the subscription page, (i have all users on a seperate tenant)

How do i close/toggle the usermenu after navigation?

Thanks in advance! Rene

ASP.NET CORE & Angular (single solution) .NET 5.0 v10.2.0

Hi, i have incorporate 'Forget Password when using 'Sign in Without Specifying Tenant'

But when users use the option "Forgot Password" and enter their email they get the message "Invalid email"

Please Advice, Kind regards, Rene van Woezik

ASP.NET CORE & Angular (single solution) .NET 5.0 v10.2.0

Hi, instead of the seperate public site i would like to add a public available page without users have to login first, to the Angular site.

So when users are not authorized i want them to go to a new public landing page in Angular site, and when they want more direct them to the account login page

I was thinking about making a new folder in the root of the src folder besides 'app' and 'account' and name it public

do i have to alter the appguard? is this possible? can you give me some pointers how to do it?

Kind Regards, Rene van Woezik

ASP.NET CORE & Angular (single solution) .NET 5.0 v10.2.0


We would like to sell ebooks to our tenant subscribers. Where after received payment (webhook) they get a download link to the ebook. I was thinking of adding products to our Stripe dashboard and set all options Make a StripeProductsAppService, or should i use the current StripePaymentAppservice and make a function to get all products and displays them in Angular, then on buy go to the stripe checkout page.

Any advice on this? Point me in the right directions. Maybe someone already build this?

Kind regards, Rene van Woezik

ASP.NET CORE & Angular (single solution) .NET 5.0 v10.2.0

I have the situation where i create a tenant for each subcribed

In the host i would like to get a list of all users across all tenants including there tenant name, so i made a private function to fill tenant names, but this gives an error, can't find tenant

        public async Task<PagedResultDto<UserListDto>> GetUsers(GetUsersInput input)
            if (AbpSession.MultiTenancySide == MultiTenancySides.Host)
                using (UnitOfWorkManager.Current.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant))
                    var query = GetUsersFilteredQuery(input);

                    var userCount = await query.CountAsync();

                    var users = await query

                    var userListDtos = ObjectMapper.Map<List<UserListDto>>(users);
                    await FillRoleNames(userListDtos);
                    await FillTenantNames(userListDtos);
                    return new PagedResultDto<UserListDto>(
                var query = GetUsersFilteredQuery(input);

                var userCount = await query.CountAsync();

                var users = await query

                var userListDtos = ObjectMapper.Map<List<UserListDto>>(users);
                await FillRoleNames(userListDtos);

                return new PagedResultDto<UserListDto>(
private async Task FillTenantNames(IReadOnlyCollection<UserListDto> userListDtos)
            foreach (var user in userListDtos)
                if (user.TenantId > 0)
                    var tenant = await TenantManager.GetByIdAsync(user.TenantId);
                    user.TenantName = tenant.TenancyName;
                    user.TenantName = "HOST";

Please advice

Is this questions section build with ANZ and is it perhaps available for us at github?

Thanks in advance, Rene van Woezik

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