Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ryancyq"

@bluescopesteel you will need to login to the github account associated with your ANZ license to view the issue of ANZ github repo

Does you Azure function reads from ANZ database directly? or reading it via ANZ API?

You can create an endpoint for the Azure function to call when documents are generated. for this endpoint , you can secure using token authorization (if Azure function is calling ANZ API) , otherwise, you can try pub/sec keys to verify the identity of azure function.

Hi, overriding SaveLoginAttempt logic isn't as difficult and hard to maintain, ANZ project already SignInManager create for easy implementation of custom logic.

See , you just need to override a single method (SaveLoginAttempt) in that file.

you can take a look at how role for organization unit was implemented,

note that, role for organization reuse the exisitng role permissiong and therefore did not modify the permission logic in AbpUserManager

Hi, to implements custom permission grouping like organization unit, You will need to do something like this:

  • create PermissionGroup table
  • create PermissionGroupRole table
  • create PermissionGroupRoleRemover event handler when role is deleted
  • modify AbpUserManager.IsGranted method to check for your permission group logic

Hi, do you mean notify user when the Azure Function succussfully created the document?

i assume that when documents are created via Azure Function, you would need to post the document url back to ANZ application?

If that is the case, you can notify user in ANZ when ANZ application receive such post event from Azure Function.

Hi, the UserLoginAttempts are created when logging in via AbpSignManager.


Not sure how would you update the LoginAttempts but there isnt any Attempt Id for you to reference outside of AbpSignInManager.

You probably will need to retrieve the last login attempt to update it (but this probably won't be reliable for update operation)

Hi, you can try configuring your permissions group using organization unit provided ANZ.

By default, a user that has the role Local Administrator and Group A will be able to view both Menu A and Menu B. To achive the case you mentioned, you can configure prohibited permission at user level.

However, if you wish to hve prohibited permission at group/organization level. You will need to implements it yourself.

Hi, ,can you provide the ANZ version and framework?

Is it Angular or jQuery?

Hi, CheckErrors implemented in AbpZeroTemplateAppServiceBase was only designed to check for error in IdentityResult.

Are you throw custom exception in ValidateOwners()? If so, you can directly throw UserFriendlyException instead.

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