I am a new developer, and I have used Azure App Services when I was practicing on the boilerplate + module zero. That worked fine. As for Asp.net Zero: I setup the connection strings to link to an Azure database in the web.config file, and have a connection. When I debug, everything works as expected. When I deploy it to Azure (after turning off Custom Errors), I get this error: removed_link
One difference in the config file is that 'Redis' has a connection string. I left it as 'localhost', but I think that is incorrect usage for App Services. Azure has a 'Redis Caches' resource, but I still need to read up on this. Anyone else facing similar issues?
Also in settings before deployment:
The database provider is not supported for this connection string. Incremental database publishing is supported only for SqlClient as well as Entity Framework Code First models.
How do you suggest I deploy? Azure has been rather convenient for me, but I will consider other options.