Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "sagreven"


Perhaps it's a question which is handled more often. But I'm not sure what happened:

  • I just upgrade to Abp v1.5.1 using NuGet

First issue:

I have the following code:

using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant))
	if (await _userManager.UserExist(feed.UserId))
		user = await _userManager.GetUserByIdAsync(feed.UserId);

The function is declared as

public async Task<IEnumerable

Get UserByIdAsync gives me an disposed error while _userMananger.UserExist runs fine.

Second issue: My code looks like the following:

using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetFilterParameter(AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant, 
     AbpDataFilters.Parameters.TenantId, tenantId))

					CheckErrors(await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(userId, roleName));

The function is defined as

		public async Task AddToRole

Here I'm getting the error that the user is already taken ;) ;) Inserting manually the role works as expected.

I think i missed something important but I can't figured out what it is

Please help


I upgraded verything from ABP from 1.0.0 to 1.3.1. I also update some other packages (in fact all). However I ran into the dynamics problem and went back to 1.4.11 as suggested. Still two problems left:

Problem 1: I got an error that the success methoda as schon here (<a class="postlink" href=""> ... ic-Web-API</a>) is not working and then I came on the brilliant idea changing all the code to the suggested solution I found here (<a class="postlink" href="$http">$http</a>); shortly using .then with callbacks. This is working fine instead that the result is not the "pure" data i got before but is now the complete ajax request. Is this intented to be or did I miss something?

Problem 2: Non of my route links are working any more. When I try to navigate to /#/users i got redirected to /#!/. Perhaps this also has to do with my update competition. But currently I'm to tired to find the solution :( :( :( :( . I changed nothing in the app.js so I guess this should still works fine. I also get no errors exept of one but I got this one on all my solutions but the rest are still working. so i guess this is not an issue.

Does anyone can help me at least on the right way?

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