Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "sai kovvuri"

Thanks . I figured it out

if class B looks like public class B { public string Name {get; set;} }

public class A { public B B1 {get; set;} }

set ISortedResultRequest.Sorting = "B1.Name ASC" , thebackend is able to add that to the query

Hello ,

If we have an entity class A and it has a property of type entity class B. On the DTO back out to view, how do we provide capability to sort on non-key fields of class B. By default, sorting/flitering works if the user sorts/filter on a column that exists on entity A, but not on entity class B.

Thanks, Sai


I created the project from the templates page (ABP tab). However when i check the version of Abp.EntityFramework, it is Is that how you recommend projects to be created or is there any other way to create the project with the latest release of ABP.


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