Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "samara081"


We have 2 databases with same structure (same entity, one of the databases is snapshot of the other live database) Some of the service on the system will read from the snapshot database, and most of the services will manage the live database.

What is the best option to implement this? and how we can force the repository to ready from the snapshot database?


Hi @ismcagdas,

Seems this is the only solution that supported by entity framwork

Thanks for your support

We are implementing a solution to query a temporal of any table.

As you know, when enable a temporal table on sql server for any table, sql will automatically add a second table with extra “_History” at the end of the table to track history. For example if we have “student” table, sql server will add “student_History” table.

To query the student history, all what we need is querying student table and add “FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF '2015-09-01 T10:00:00.7230011' ;” at the end of the statement. So instead of write:

Select * from student

We will write: Select * from student FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF '2015-09-01 T10:00:00.7230011'

Is there any way to automatically append this statement at the end of the query?

It is like intercepting the query and applying query filter like soft table, but now it is not filter, it is just statement at the end of the statement.


i solve it thank you


nothing all i need to let my code to enter to catch bloack and set error message to be shown to user


no, it is not insert and not enter the catch for this error


in last statement before try block , number 2 is wrong to try entring in catch, it is foreign key reference so i provide the Id not exist in database


Please help me how to catch exception if i call service from mvc controller? if i do that my code never enter catch section in Application service but if i call sevice from java script directly all thing is ok, all my need is to not call service from javascript to catch exception

this code from View

and this from controller

and this from service

When we create permission on AppAuthorizationProvider, we need to sort the permission on edit permission page by same order that we entered, not by name. for example when we enter SystemTasks permission then PerformanceManagement permission, edit role page show it as PerformanceManagement then SystemTasks. Can we change the behavior?

Thanks Aaron, this solved the issue

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