Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "saraya"

Hi again , ISettingManager doesn't get setting value from Setting table in database it gets value from 'SettingProvider ' , may be i should define 'SettingDefinitionProviderContext' but I don't no How !!??!!

Hi Halil, How can I manage setting's value from data Base ?? I have also changed this line

SettingStore = settingStore;//NullSettingStore.Instance; //Should be constructor injection? For that, ISettingStore must be registered!

in SettingManager Constructor , but from the begging of the application it reads the setting value from GetSettingDefinitions of SettingProvider !!!!

Hi Hikalkan, Thanks for your reply, but still i'm confused which interface or class should be inherit because it is just a class library , could you send me or show me a sample code ? and could I host a Web Api project on separate server?

Hi, I need to add custom WebApi to manage Output Cache and etc ... How can I do this ? adding to current webapi project or add new webapi project to abp solution ?

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries