Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "sbenfares"


I'm using ANZ with Core & Jquery.

I would like to develop some feature on the Web.Public website with ABP framework (Call an AppService, use UI Busy Loading etc...) exactly as the Web.Mvc Project.

Is it easily possible ?


PS : Just for information i'm developping a Public JobBoard, Web.MVC is for BackOffice, Web.Public should be the Front Public JobBoard Pages.

@CrayonGroupSCA, they send me an email on Monday 20 May :

"It is planned for the next 7-10 days."

So it should be today or tomorrow...


Sorry to ask this question here, but do you have an estimated release date for ANZ v7.0 including Metronic V6.0.3 integration ?

I should start a new project, maybe i should wait for your release...

Thanks :)


Ok i will probably do !

Maybe ANZ & Grial can make a deal and you can sell ANZ + Grial UI Kit with a special price... just an idea :)



This is not a real support question, apologize, but it's a suggestion to improve ANZ in the future.

Do you know Grial UI Kit for Xamarin ?

They just released the V3.0 and it's pretty awesome, it would be great if you could include this UI Kit in ANZ in the future (or develop your own UI kit).



Will the new Metronic version (v6.0.1) will be available in ANZ and in the Download Metronic Theme section ?

Ok thanks, it would be useful to add a screen/(tab in User info) to monitor all notifications for users.

Hi, i'm using ANZ V5.6.2.

I would like if you'll add some UI Screens in the template to manage AbpTenantsNotifications / Subscriptions for each users.

It would be a great feature, and i can't find it in my version.




I would like to use Twilio for SMS, and for incoming messages (sending messages is ok).

I need to have a Controller heriting from TwilioController (and not from PlatformControllerBase).

What is the best way to do it ?

I need to register my controller in Startup.cs ?

How to deal it ?


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