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Activities of "sddev"


It appears that the majority, if not all uses of CreateExcelPackage, seems to work on a relatively flat object.

However we have a case where we have some sublists, eg:

Person: public long PersonId; public string PersonName; public List<Type> Types;

Type: public long TypeId; public string TypeName; public int TypeCount;

And we would want to present the data as follows:

PersonId, PersonName, TypeCountX....

The amount of types will be variable so we cannot statically set an object to a pre-determined number of types. However the CreateExcelPackage usages, seem only to be able to process the eg the longs and strings in this scenario, and not the sublists.

Im guessing therefore we will need to extend EpPlusExcelExporterBase and add our own function to handle the list?


Hi, we're updating our 5.6.2 project to 6.2.1

However one of the massive pains is the primengDataTableHelper.

We had to create all the right imports, and modify every tag that has p-dataTable to p-table, rename primengDatatableHelper to primengTableHelper, create a primeng-no-data div and now we realise we need to replace p-column.

Is there any kind of migration script available for this? Or do we literally have to search out every use of p-column and replace?

Regards, Simon Dean


In the ASP.NET Zero, there was a download button to download the latest version. Ours for some reason only goes up to 5.6.2. Where do we get version 6.2 from?

Regards, Simon


We're using 5.6.0 of AspNetZero and we've noted a few issues with the way dates are handled.

When a Date comes in from the ASP.NET side of things, it comes in as a non UTC time, eg:


Within Angular, it refers to the moment being the local Time Zone of British Summer Time and displaying quite correctly. When we submit back to ASP, the service-proxy does a stringify and converts to a UTC time zone "startDate":"2018-10-01T23:00:00.000Z"

This then causes a problem because when we get the date back again into Angular, it is being treated as, eg in this instance, 1st October 2018 at 11pm British Summer Time.

So if we keep doing a submit and refresh, the time will just keep going back by an hour.

What can we do to resolve this?

Regards, Simon Dean

We're just doing an upgrade from 5.3.0 to 5.6.2

We're using a .NET Core and Angular installation.

The backend has gone through and works fine as far as I can see. However we can now no longer login.

We're just getting a failure in Angular showing status 500, Internal Server Error, url - /api/TokenAuth/Authenticate

The only thing that I can see is that in RepositoryExtensions.cs, and the lines:

public static async Task EnsureCollectionLoadedAsync<TEntity, TPrimaryKey, TProperty>(this IRepository<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> repository, TEntity entity, Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TProperty>>> collectionExpression, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken)) where TEntity : class, IEntity<TPrimaryKey> where TProperty : class { ISupportsExplicitLoading<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> supportsExplicitLoading = ProxyHelper.UnProxy((object) repository) as ISupportsExplicitLoading<TEntity, TPrimaryKey>; if (supportsExplicitLoading == null) return; await supportsExplicitLoading.EnsureCollectionLoadedAsync<TProperty>(entity, collectionExpression, cancellationToken); }

supportsExplicitLoading isn't null, it is undefined?

Any thoughts?



We downloaded 5.3.0 a while back choosing AspNetZeroAngular2 (.NET Core & Angular).

However when choosing the framework, I seem to recall some differences and limitations on the .NET Core 2.0 compared to the .NET Framework 4.6

Could you confirm what those differences/limitations were because I can no longer find these.

Regards, Simon Dean


We're setting up LDAP Authentication using the guides.

So far, LDAP Authentication works flawlessly. However it doesn't seem to save in the database.

Although the CreateAsync methods seem to work, ie

return await this.Store.CreateAsync(user, this.CancellationToken);

it appears that in AbpLoginManager.cs, this line,

wait UnitOfWorkManager.Current.SaveChangesAsync();

does not work.

Because when in the function LoginAsyncInternal, when the following line is called:

return await CreateLoginResultAsync(user, tenant);


await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user);

line in the function is unable to run because it cannot find the user.

Could you advise further?

Regards, Simon Dean


We're trying to extend the OrganizationUnit entity to add some additional items to it.

public class OrganisationUnit : OrganizationUnit
		public virtual bool IsCompany { get; set; }

The updates will allow department information to be added - eg Department Phone Number, Starting Hours etc.

Now when using the Repository against OrganizationUnit, we get all the results but without the additional fields. But when using a Repository against OrganisationUnit we get no results whatsoever:

public class OrganisationUnitManager : IDomainService
   private readonly IRepository<OrganisationUnit, long> _organisationUnitRepository;
   private readonly IRepository<OrganizationUnit, long> _organizationUnitRepository;
   public OrganisationUnitManager(IRepository<OrganisationUnit, long> organisationUnitRepository, IRepository<OrganizationUnit, long> organizationUnitRepository, IRepository<UserOrganizationUnit, long> userOrganizationUnitRepository)
      _organisationUnitRepository = organisationUnitRepository;
      _organizationUnitRepository = organizationUnitRepository;
public async Task<OrganizationUnit> GetOUForUser(long userId)
   var orgs = _organisationUnitRepository.GetAll(); // Returns 0 Results - with the extended columns
   var orgz = _organizationUnitRepository.GetAll(); // Returns 8 Results - without the extended columns
   return orgUnit;

Any thoughts would be great.


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