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Activities of "sergiop"

HEllo This following line rise the user friendly error as attached var xxx = outputxxx.MapTo<EntityXXX>();


&lt;customErrors mode=&quot;RemoteOnly&quot;&gt;

  &lt;error statusCode=&quot;404&quot; redirect=&quot;~/Error/E404&quot; /&gt;

</system.web> <runtime>

Pleas could you le me know where to disable it to let me troubleshoot it. Thank you very much.

Hello I was developing fine today, but suddenly the application failed to start raising this error. (Attach image) There is no tenant with given id: 1, it seems the default language is null, do you have any idea? Everything on the PC is in English. Thank you !!

Hello I've tried on two different Computers Win 7 Enterprise and Win 10 professional, using Visual Studio 2015. (Single Tenant, MVC Multiple Pages) When the grid is loading data ,the overlay message "Loading Records" is not displayed, on the local project, but I've tested the online sample from this website and it works fine. For the users it seems the application is frozen since the Loading Records message is not displayed. See the video <a class="postlink" href=""></a> , the first IE tab is the local one and the second one is the demo on this site. Is someone else having this issue?

Thank you

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