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Activities of "sgeeks"

Hi everyone, I'm having a problem When I'm trying to update-database in Postgre SQL I can't able to create all the table. I'm Using .net core 2.2 with angular

  1. I Install Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL (package (Version 2.2.0))
  2. In GrantVantageDbContextConfigurer.cs i replace the builder.UseSqlServer method with builder.UseNpgsql method.
  3. in Migrations files i replace "SqlServer:ValueGenerationStrategy" with “Npgsql:ValueGenerationStrategy” and "IdentityColumn" with "NpgsqlValueGenerationStrategy.SerialColumn" and MaxLength of Value from 67108864 to 10485760
  4. and change it's connection

but can only able to create only 28 table instead of 35 table. But when i do it with sql server i'm able to create all 35 tables.

When trying to update database getting this error- Posgre SQL- SQL Server - <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Can anybody help?</span>

Thanks for your replay. I can't able to find Program.BuildWebHost() and when I Delete the *.EntityFrameworkCore/Migrations folder, it's giving me errors - 

I can't able to find Program.BuildWebHost().

It's working now, Thanks 😃.


Live PayPal account is not working for me. Please help me to integrate my live paypal account with my site. Thanks, Satya


How to Implement Paypal recurring intregration on angular application. I've implement create process for Billing Plan and Billing agreement. Paypal payment button is showing but when click on this popup not opening. Could I implement Billing Plan and Billing agreement for recurring payment of paypal or need to implement other things?

Whenever I add a user to an "Organization unit" and add a role to the "Organization unit" then the user gets the role but he didn't get the permission associated with the role. Permission association problem

AspNet Zero V - 6.9.1 Abp V - (4.5.0)



I have found that after 10mins my application becomes timeout. How can I configurable this timespan in my ASP.NET Zero Core + Angular 6 application?

Thanks, Satya


Currently we are working on 10 Asp.Net Zero projects of our various clients from different countries. And we convinced our clients to use that framework to get a better solution. But we have found some common issues for all of our Asp.Net Zero projects. Please find below attached link and let me know your answers.

Misc Issues with a document

1.Navigation Scroll-Up issue: Sometimes we have found the left hand navigation scroll up issue. This is not the issue for this project, we found same issue for our another Asp.Net Zero applications. Could you please check the below attached screenshot and let me know if there is any solution from Asp.Net Zero side.

  1. Pagination Issue: We have found that if the data comes late, the pagination broken with “<>”. If we use setTimeOut to the js datatable, then its worked. But you know it’s not a correct approach.

  2. Icon Broken: Sometimes the icons not loaded properly.

Thanks, Satya

Showing 1 to 10 of 14 entries