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Activities of "skinnerjames"


Has anyone extended the metronic calendar to include features such as client self-scheduling or public facing calendar with open slots, recurring apppointments, blocking off personal time, etc? Are there any suggestions for a robust calendar api that will integrate easily with ASPNZ? Thanks


Can can anybody tell me how extensively developed the customer invoicing function is? is there any documentation detailing the current functionality?

I realize this is a broad statement, but just looking for insight from others who may have experienced the same issues. When our application is accessed from an iOS device, For example, trying to set a calendar appointment and save it does not work. The button has no function.

Any suggestions what to look at?

BTW, no issues from PC, or Android.

Has anyone here worked on integrating EDI HIPAA transactions into aspnetzero? We are looking for an open source, or reasonably priced parser that will integrate with the latest version of aspnetzero/core2/angular in order to parse 835 files to SQL data tables.

Thanks in advance.

@clusterkiller- We are preparing to do the same upgrade that you mentioned but are using the angular version. Are you willing to share your opinion on the best and most efficient approach for this task? We are relatively far along in development and spent roughly 3 weeks upgrading from V3-V4. Best regards.


Thanks. Found the issue when looking at the log files. appsetting.Development.json was used with local settings.


Error description: "After deploying to Azure Web App application is returning 500 error without additional information after entering user login information. It seems, that something is related to AbpController functioning. Issue appears for requiests with Authorization header sent, the same request without it is fine. Issue does not appear when it is run on local instance"


How to access hangfire dashboard when hangfire authorization is enabled through dashboard. Code sample in Startup.cs for Host project, when authorization is enabled app.UseHangfireDashboard("/hangfire", new DashboardOptions { Authorization = new[] { new AbpHangfireAuthorizationFilter(AppPermissions.Pages_Administration_HangfireDashboard) } });

Thank you. That fixed it.


I am getting this error message and cannot figure out what my problem is.

TypeError: profileService.GetCurrentUserDemographicForEdit is not a function at init (VM1342 userDemographicsModal.js:34) at new <anonymous> (VM1342 userDemographicsModal.js:41) at e (angular.js:4523) at Object.instantiate (angular.js:4531) at angular.js:9197 at ui-bootstrap-tpls.min.js:9 at angular.js:14792 at r.$eval (angular.js:16052) at r.$digest (angular.js:15870) at r.$apply (angular.js:16160)

Here are snippets of my code. userDemographicsModal.js

function init() { profileService.GetCurrentUserDemographicForEdit({ id: }).success(function (result) { vm.user = result; }); }


namespace AHPClaims.AHPClaims.Authorization.Users.Profile { public interface IProfileAppService : IApplicationService { Task<CurrentUserProfileEditDto> GetCurrentUserProfileForEdit();

    Task UpdateCurrentUserProfile(CurrentUserProfileEditDto input);
    Task ChangePassword(ChangePasswordInput input);

    Task&lt;UserDemographicDto&gt; GetCurrentUserDemographicForEdit();

    Task UpdateCurrentUserDemographic(UserDemographicDto input);



public async Task<UserDemographicDto> GetCurrentUserDemographicForEdit() { var user = await GetCurrentUserAsync(); return user.MapTo<UserDemographicDto>(); }


namespace AHPClaims.AHPClaims.Authorization.Users.Profile.Dto { [AutoMap(typeof(User))] public class UserDemographicDto { public string UserStreetAddress { get; set; }

    public string City { get; set; }

    public string State { get; set; }

    public string Zip { get; set; }

    public string Phone { get; set; }

    public string UserNPI { get; set; }


Any help is appreciated. Thanks

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