Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "slambert"


Am I missing something? Should this work on the login out of the box?



Is there a way to tell why something cannot be used in the container. Here is the error.

ComponentActivator: could not proxy Abp.WebApi.Controllers.Dynamic.DynamicApiController

at Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentActivator.DefaultComponentActivator.CreateInstance(CreationContext context, ConstructorCandidate constructor, Object[] arguments) at Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentActivator.DefaultComponentActivator.InternalCreate(CreationContext context) at Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentActivator.AbstractComponentActivator.Create(CreationContext context, Burden burden) at Castle.MicroKernel.Lifestyle.AbstractLifestyleManager.CreateInstance(CreationContext context, Boolean trackedExternally) at Castle.MicroKernel.Lifestyle.AbstractLifestyleManager.Resolve(CreationContext context, IReleasePolicy releasePolicy) at Castle.MicroKernel.Handlers.DefaultHandler.ResolveCore(CreationContext context, Boolean requiresDecommission, Boolean instanceRequired, Burden& burden) at Castle.MicroKernel.Handlers.DefaultHandler.Resolve(CreationContext context, Boolean instanceRequired) at Castle.MicroKernel.DefaultKernel.ResolveComponent(IHandler handler, Type service, IDictionary additionalArguments, IReleasePolicy policy) at Castle.MicroKernel.DefaultKernel.Castle.MicroKernel.IKernelInternal.Resolve(Type service, IDictionary arguments, IReleasePolicy policy) at Abp.Dependency.IocResolverExtensions.ResolveAsDisposable[T](IIocResolver iocResolver, Type type) at Abp.WebApi.Controllers.AbpApiControllerActivator.Create(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor, Type controllerType) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpControllerDescriptor.CreateController(HttpRequestMessage request) at System.Web.Http.Dispatcher.HttpControllerDispatcher.<SendAsync>d__1.MoveNext()

This is awesome! I was able to create the typescript for all of my generated proxies. Very Cool! I feel like I found a hidden gem that needs to be shared with the world.

One question though... Do you plan to offer a d.ts for the rest of the abp framework. I search the []) nuget but found nothing.

It would make the conversion to typescript a lot easier. I am currently looking at converting the abp.js right now and would love it if someone has something to share already.

Thanks as usual.



Is there a way to generate the typescript definition of your app services without calling the typescript controller?

Currently we are calling this, but it causes problems at times.

ExtendedWebClient client = new ExtendedWebClient(new Uri("http://localhost/ourproject/api/TypeScript/")); { string text = client.DownloadString(new Uri("http://localhost/ourproject/api/TypeScript/")).ToString();

Is there a way to call the typescript generator directly in code?

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